saiyan saga vegeta would be better for those customs in my opinion.Lol i gotta feeling A LOT of turles and bardock customs will be made lol
I don't like either of them as Super Saiyans. They did a great job, I just don't like the idea of Bardock being SSJ. If we get a Bardock, I'd rather have a regular head and a regular head w/bandana. I'd use the regular faces for Goku!
Well, I'm not gonna continue a new debate on that. I disagree obviously, but whatever.
I still remain of the opinion that Goku is, except Krillin and Piccolo, worst off of all the characters released thus far. They just can't truly nail a complete Goku release the way they do with most other characters and I find that both weird and disappointing.
EDIT: That's true Bane. I guess I just get flared up again now that we actually get him. I haven't really been thinking at all about this release because it's been so long ago that he was announced. But whatever I see your point.
Whoa matePERFECT!? I just want the two facial expressions I showed earlier, a smirk and a clenching teeth one. Unmissable for a proper goku release. It was bad enough the previous Gokus didn't have them, but with where the line is now, omitting them AGAIN was unacceptable. And there's actually plenty of other expressions you could name.
You guys go ahead and pose him with Vegeta or Frieza and all you'll be able to do is a charging kamehameha and a stare-off, because the other three faces aren't useable in any battle scene. This release is a joke. It's not complete, it's half-assed. And it sucks.
You summarised Goku quite nicely there. And now, after seeing his smirking expression, I'm beginning to feel they should have included that face too.It's VERY Goku to be confident in his own abilities, and to enter a battle with a sense of excitement, Goku enjoys fighting, especially because he's usually confident he'll win. That IS Goku at his best, and it's that Goku I wanna display. At the end of the day Goku is an optimist. That's why he always keeps fighting, and why he's number 1.
And now, with a third release, I still can't display him like that. That's not being spoiled, that's missing the character like he is most of the time actually and it's completely unnecessary, one or two extra faces would not have killed them. And if they did wanna cut it to five, they should've cut at least one smiling face for one of those I mentioned. If they're that primed at keeping it low on accessories, they should cut bonus faces, not essential ones. I'm calling it for what it is: disappointing.
I haven't been the only one to say this, but so far no one else seems to feel like speaking up.
I have to say that it makes him look evil too; almost as if possessed.Exactly. It's his "I'm ready to take on the world!" face!
Cool. Now I really need a Bardock SHF.Here are a couple of Turles/Bardock customs..
I don't like either of them as Super Saiyans. They did a great job, I just don't like the idea of Bardock being SSJ.
IDK. I understand that it should be Goku to ascend to SSJ first a la once in a millennium phenomena but as long as its someone from Goku's lineage, I'm ok with it.this. I would have rather Goku been the first one in thousands of years...
Goku was the first ssj in thousands of years kpman, Bardock was the very first ssj, he was sent far into the past. He began the legend, according to that story anyway.
You wont be able to use a bardocks faces for Goku either, Bardock has a scar and bandana, both of which would be moulded on his faces.
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Ok yeah I can't disagree with Sirlian at all. I would have loved a confident smiling Goku face. It should have taken presidence over the laughing face, since it's meh to me. I like the happy smiling face, the freaked out face, the stern and the yelling face but I can't go against Sirlian. Granted, I disagree on taking face over the Kamehaha wave, crappy as it looks. But he got everything else right.
You summarised Goku quite nicely there. And now, after seeing his smirking expression, I'm beginning to feel they should have included that face too.
Please, lets not talk about a live action movie (remember what happened last time?)
The picture is cool, lets move on before something dumb happens.
Yeah I'm happy for those who have gotten the release they really wanted, truly. It's just hard to see past my own frustration because it feels like such an easy thing to get right and like all of you, I too have long been waiting for Goku. I guess unlike those who got what they wanted, I'll have to wait longer.
At least I'm not waiting for Nappa, right Blood? *tease*(Although I will buy him if he does ever get released.)
I'm not complaining about this, I'm just fantasising that I would've loved a windswept hair sculpt for him.
I really think they wanted his price point to remain as low as possible to make sure he appeals to the japanese market...