S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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I know what 18's box looks like cuz I been with many girls that look just like 18 but her box box will prolly be a blue or yellow color
Technically in the japanese dub she and 17 are cyborgs hence the name C-17/18 they always get called there. She and 17 were humans, made into part machine by Gero. So all the right parts will still be there if yoi catch my drift ;) the more you know :lol

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Can't wait for Broly, but I find it odd that he's an SDCC piece. I wonder when he'd get a normal release.

1.) Does anyone have photos of the brown shipper box their Krillin came in - finally ordered Krillin recently, but the box/ taping looks pretty odd on mine.

2.) is there a way to untape the inner box (not brown shipper box) on these figures without actually damaging the box or do you guys cut the tape(s)?

Can any Krillin owners out there help me out? :D
They said unless Silrian y Snake admit that Broly is the best DBZ character of ever, then we won't see a BoG DVD release.

We're doomed!


I know what 18's box looks like cuz I been with many girls that look just like 18 but her box box will prolly be a blue or yellow color

oh thanks for reminding me the blue waffle Dx

I love messing with lights. I gotta find better tricks to apply them.

Anyway, these four are the only ones I put in battle poses. And keep switching up.

EDIT: dahell piccolos right arm is blocked exactly by his and friezes. Pure coincidence, but he's not missing his arm or something.:lol

you would really benefit from backdrops

REMOVABLE armor for Nappa, blood better agree

that would the best option if possible and with switch o' shoulder pads


You people and your desire for naked buffed up men to pose and play with...


As soon as Blood has nappa I'm gonna put on a vegeta costume go over there, throw that toy into the sky and smash it to smithereens.:lol


Kinda psyched to see Funi BoG actually. Gohan's grown up right? So the dub doesn't have to be ruined by that awful replacement for Stephanie's kid gohan/goku.