S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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That was yet another reason I hated Kai.
You n me both man.
That's probably in reference to movie 8 when Goku and Broly were crying next to each other.
Good point.

Can't believe they're actually making Broly. Regardless of my opinion of the character it definitely is quite impressive I suppose.
You n me both man.

Good point.

Can't believe they're actually making Broly. Regardless of my opinion of the character it definitely is quite impressive I suppose.

I'll get Broly, and this ugly Vegeta variant solely based on I've gotten every other figure of the line thus far.

But if they can do Broly, there is no reason to believe they wouldn't release Nappa too. And if giant figures becomes a trend, this will lead into a Fat Majin Buu.
I just can't wait to see the final product. I already have a perfect ki aura effect for him, that I've been using for my custom Broly
Funny, I was thinking about the Ginyus the other day. I'd definitely but them all without thinking twice. But since they are doing 17 & 18, it would be a crime not to do a 16. 19 & 20 would be nice, but I doubt they would do them.
Whenever they go head first into the Buu series, we need a Saiyaman that comes with a SSJ2 head.

Funny, I was thinking about the Ginyus the other day. I'd definitely but them all without thinking twice. But since they are doing 17 & 18, it would be a crime not to do a 16. 19 & 20 would be nice, but I doubt they would do them.

my poor shelf wouldn't be able to handle all of them :(
my poor shelf wouldn't be able to handle all of them :(

I'll post it tomorrow since I got normal Goku finally, but my shelf is at maximum capacity. I got have nearly 20 of these figures now, including doubles. I was considering boxing up the manga colored figures for space.
Whenever they go head first into the Buu series, we need a Saiyaman that comes with a SSJ2 head.

This, I want this so bad!
He would be nearly the perfect Gohan, (especially if the green tunic was removable. So you can also get his V.S. Dabura appearance as well)
People would buy multiples like crazy to enact all the display possibilities