S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Say Pwn, can you comment in anyway if that 16 is at least legit and planned as a release? And will we hear more about next year's line up at xdcc?

Glad you're doing well man!

Not really feeling Broly. Disappointed actually. His shoulders are way too big and he has no neck. His proportions are just really off. If everyone complains enough maybe they will change it.

I actually agree with this and said this from the first point the pic dropped, so I'm glad I'm not a Broly fan...

The figure is impressive but the disproportional aspect is undeniable. You're just either gonna be bothered by it or not. And I hope his fans aren't cause I hope this thing will sell well. Broly being good for the line is the only invested interest I have in this release.
Yeah, screw him for having an opinion, right?

Saying "we should all complain" isn't an opinion, it's speaking for the community when he should just speak for himself. Obviously not everyone is ******** over Broly's proportions, so no, we shouldn't all complain like he wants us to do. And it's not like they're gonna change anything about it at this point anyway, so it's now just complaining for the sake of complaining.

If people wanna start a Facebook campaign on how Figuarts Broly is ruining their lives, then good luck with that. Some people are just never satisfied..
A-16 It´s legit Silrian


It´s official without release date

I think we could see soon the prototype of Raditz with the base of this A-16 legs and arms

Honestly after philosopher shopped the pic to have his arms down it looks fine to me. They probably just wanted him to look more bulky in the promo pics and us picky folk noticed the inconsitency. Lets wait until we see him in person before we shout the roof down huh?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Thanks Fan, that site actually seems to list his accessories already!

Can anyone speak japanese?

登場作品  ドラゴンボールZ
 主な商品内容  ・本体
 主な商品素材  ABS、PVC
 商品サイズ  全高約130mm
 対象年齢  15歳~
 備考  ※画像は試作品です。実際の商品とは異なる場合があります。
 ご注文受付数  おひとり様24個まで
Sorry to the ppl that wasted money on an Android 16 statue thinking a sh figuarts android 16 would not happen ...

lol theres nothing to be sorry about, the statue was 25$ and it scale better with figuarts most were planning to replace it anyways when this came out. I will keep it though since I like the scale better. I will still buy this one though.
I have no idea if it is as I've not had a chance to play around with it. Maybe I'll have the opportunity at Comic Con.

Well, I'm not sure if you have any influence on the poses the figures are put in at Cons, but if the shoulders are able to lower, like we suspect they should, it might be a good idea to pose them in such a way that displays that, as I believe it would relieve a lot of complaints that I've seen here and elsewhere. Either way, I'm getting him, but just thought it might help those who are either on the fence or completely turned off by how high his shoulders rest.


I've seen this before, but never noticed the tail pic, and the note that says it's fine whether or not he has a tail. I don't know why I never even wondered why Broly doesn't have a tail. I suppose, given his storyline, he would be way too dangerous if he were to transform into his Oozaru form, as that would break the mind control device.

Also, I think we can thank this guy for the color they decided to go with for Broly's "socks":

Honestly after philosopher shopped the pic to have his arms down it looks fine to me. They probably just wanted him to look more bulky in the promo pics and us picky folk noticed the inconsitency. Lets wait until we see him in person before we shout the roof down huh?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

I always figured Broly's tail is just wrapped around his waist so it just isn't visible. Recall in the movie during Paragus' flashback, when chibi Broly is attacking those people you can clearly see his tail
Thanks Fan, that site actually seems to list his accessories already!

Can anyone speak japanese?

登場作品  ドラゴンボールZ
 主な商品内容  ・本体
 主な商品素材  ABS、PVC
 商品サイズ  全高約130mm
 対象年齢  15歳~
 備考  ※画像は試作品です。実際の商品とは異なる場合があります。
 ご注文受付数  おひとり様24個まで

Yeah, that's definitely 17's, notice how the height says 130 mm.
So was this 16 reveal planned or truly a leak? Seems odd to give us these three all before sdcc all in one week.

I hope for a 16 proto at sdcc, just has too.
reveal planned. it's from their official web

lol theres nothing to be sorry about, the statue was 25$ and it scale better with figuarts most were planning to replace it anyways when this came out. I will keep it though since I like the scale better. I will still buy this one though.

for custom purposes? :p

They're not going to retool him at this point, adjustments that can be made now would be strictly pallet based.

Don't forget, his shoulders CAN MOVE! Just like Gohan, Frieza, and Krillin


(these edits were made with his visible joint limits and possible sculpted obstructions in mind.

Besides, he's clearly modeled after the following appearances:






Broly more often than not has big shoulders

For **** sake, people need to get off this "High shoulders" fear bandwagon.


meanwhile my shenron has arrived!

So was this 16 reveal planned or truly a leak? Seems odd to give us these three all before sdcc all in one week.

I hope for a 16 proto at sdcc, just has too.

Yea its odd doubt we get anything new from SDCC they blow there load to early.