S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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I would say some banpresto statues not all I have seen the android 16 banpresto statue next to the figuarts on this forum and IMO he's just too tall.
The banpresto statues look good if you're interested in statues.

I would say some banpresto statues not all I have seen the android 16 banpresto statue next to the figuarts on this forum and IMO he's just too tall.

I've heard the Banpresto statues are in pretty good scale. Do you know of any figure joints that would work for customizing them to be figures?
I actually thought 16's legs were too short.

I was basing 16's height off of this picture View attachment 69760
That's why I saw the image imaI2EAPEi2 but up View attachment 69761 I found 16 to be too tall and I agree his legs are to small however he'd be even more out of scale IMO if his legs were more proportional with his upper body.
That all being said I do think the detail put into the Banpresto statues is amazing and look wise they complement the figuarts figures perfectly, it's just 16's height that makes me not want to put him in my collection not that he isn't a great looking figure.

EDIT: Piccolo in my first picture is actually taller than he is in the figuarts line so that's what was throwing me off 16 is the right height I apologize, however 16's proportions themselves are still off when looking at his legs.
So I've found HSCF 1st form Frieza and Kid Gohan, HQ DX figures, movie collection Broly and Cooler, SCultures Android 16, and Hybrid Action Kid Buu and Gotenks to be in close scale to DBZ Figuarts
The ongoing rate of SS3 is $100 and Trunks is $150 approximately. But shoot me a PM if anyone is interested, I'm always willing to cut some deals for freaks. It won't be dirt cheap like PO price, but lower than eBay :wave
On the UK ebay site trunks is between £100 and £150, which in $ is about $140-$180, and they are selling :(

Oh and ssj Vegeta is around £160 o_0, sdcc Goku has dissappeared and original Piccolo is around £100; only the newest ones are still cheap!
Here's this video of one of the old customizers from dragonballtoys(didn't make the jump to the new site dragonballfigures.boards.net). He made regular buu saga vegeta:
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Oops I went to sleep thinking I posted the video. Guess that explains why when I loaded the page it was on edit post. Sorry! Although bane has my back haha. I was posting a vid though, which didn't work.... How exactly do you post a damn vid again?
Now I really want a majin Vegeta, and as per always eonzone did great custom work.

As for posting a youtube vid, I think you post it as a normal link and remove the http? Not sure though.
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