S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Great Saiyaman is one of the few that I would most probably pass on if they made a figuarts version of him. Personally I'm not a particularly big fan of that period.... no offence to anyone that does like it of course:) Mystic Gohan I would be much more inclined to go for, however I would personally rather see Majin Vegeta or Buu first if we're talking that period. SSJ3 Goku needs someone to fight with!
As long as he came with actual Gohan heads and a removable cape I would get him; I cant stand saiyaman as a character but Gohan in saiyaman outfit I would love.
As long as he came with actual Gohan heads and a removable cape I would get him; I cant stand saiyaman as a character but Gohan in saiyaman outfit I would love.

You make a good case... If he had the option of the removable cape and regular head, like how he appears on Babidi's ship then I guess that wouldn't be too bad.....and I say 'probably pass' but I've come so far with this line now that the completionist in me may well rear it's ugly head lol! He would be a figure I would be less excited about though... I'd much prefer a Dabura figure, but I think the chances of that are pretty darn low, unless this line goes for years and years....
It seems that most of you are now moar excited for Android 18's release than Normal Goku's! Haha!

As for alternate heads: yeah, I agree that they should practice that more often. Releasing Trunks with normal & SSJ heads was brilliant, and makes me wonder why they didn't do that with Goku (standard head, SSJ1 & SSJ2 hairstyles. SSJ3 Goku would've remained a separate release, of course.) I may be wrong but I recall the Super Battle Collection figures doing the same thing with head swaps.

Speaking of which, I would hope Tamashii's end goal will be to rival the Super Battle Collection 90's figures with their S.H. Figuarts line, meaning we will eventually have the entire lineup of characters from the SBC line in Figuarts form, and even expand into movie territory. Fingers crossed, lol.
As excited about normal Goku as I am, he's pretty much the same figure that we've had already but with a different head/paint job. 18's a whole new figure, so I probably am more excited for her release... At the moment the only thing that could top it for me personally would be some positive news regarding a SSJ Vegeta re release!
Trust me, if you've been waiting for Goku for as long as some of us "veteran" collectors have, hes just about the best figure ever :lol

In perspective, Goku was shown about the same time ssj3 Goku and ssj Vegeta were still unpainted promos! He has been years in the making for some of us lol.
Hey Deano, I understand you completely! I started reading this forum early last year and started back on page 1. I read the lot so I can't imagine how nice it must feel for you guys that have been waiting SO long for normal Goku to finally have that figure in sight.... what's it been, about 3 years since he was first shown!!?

Some of us are very lucky to have hit upon the line in the last year or so when so much has happened, although less lucky in that we may have missed out on a few figures, at least at feasible prices... I do think Tamashii needs to bear this in mind with re releases of the most popular characters as it would help the general healthiness of the line, especially if they start to branch out into more risky characters in the future.
Yeah, when I was talking about the Great Saiyaman suit, I was talking about Babidi's ship. That's why I was saying, it was difficult to vote for it. I don't want the cape or masks, and the version I want is too specific, which is unfortunate, because I think a lot of people would want that version. But, unless you show a picture, people are just going to be confused. "Gohan in Partial Great Saiyman uniform without cape and masks" makes it seem like you're getting skimmed out! It would be awesome to have the removable vest!


Removable Vest:

Then I could just use that head for Mystic Gohan on a Goku body, and have the Goku faces painted for SSJ versions.
Only one issue woth that Bane; we dont know if regular Gokus faces will have the same peg layout, so they might not fit. Vegeta was different as his head is just a repaint, but Gokus will be a new sculpt.

I just dont want you being disappointed if this does happen lol
That's more of a tunic than a vest. If anything they could just make the helmet a separate piece/head with him smirking, another head with his gangsta doo-rag & sunglasses, and standard face sculpt. And the cape can be removable.
^ I'd bet it's the same peg. Ssj3 had a different I'd guess because of the hairsculpt weight.

Some of us are very lucky to have hit upon the line in the last year or so when so much has happened, although less lucky in that we may have missed out on a few figures, at least at feasible prices...

indeed, gotta give applause to those who where there from the start and kept supporting it ever since!:clap I started with this line august 2012 with Trunks and sdcc Gohan pulling me in (could've freakin had ssj vegeta for retail:lol), which in hindsight seems almost the perfect period.

Can't wait to see the future of this line, genuinely a dream come true for me. I still remember gawking at the irwin line on my brother's pc back when mine didn't even have internet yet, we didn't really get much dbz stuff here when it aired, if any. Never thought I'd got to collect stuff like this later on after all.

So big fat kudos to everyone who helped create momentum for this to take off!
Only one issue woth that Bane; we dont know if regular Gokus faces will have the same peg layout, so they might not fit. Vegeta was different as his head is just a repaint, but Gokus will be a new sculpt.

I just dont want you being disappointed if this does happen lol

Thanks for telling me! I appreciate it! Knowing me, it would never happen anyways! Not only would I need someone to do it for me, but I would have to much anxiety over it!
I really wanted a Irwin Normal Goku as a kid, but could only find the one with the wings. I finally found the Z strike one, but didn't have enough money at the time. At least I had the Z Strike SSJ Goku. That, the post time chamber Trunks, and the Z Strike Trunks were my favorite DBZ figures.

I really wanted the model kits, but my dad told me it was cheaply made, so it's great to finally get one!
It's just funny that it took fans of the series decades to receive such high-quality articulated figures. You look back at the other toy lines from the 90's and up and if it isn't a statue, then they all just pale in comparison. in my opinion, of course.

I predict that possibly next year, at one of those conventions, we're gonna see something amazing like Frieza's Spaceship on display. Who would've ever guessed that they would create an ARTICULATED full-scale Shenron?? Sheesh, lol
It's just funny that it took fans of the series decades to receive such high-quality articulated figures. You look back at the other toy lines from the 90's and up and if it isn't a statue, then they all just pale in comparison. in my opinion, of course.

I predict that possibly next year, at one of those conventions, we're gonna see something amazing like Frieza's Spaceship on display. Who would've ever guessed that they would create an ARTICULATED full-scale Shenron?? Sheesh, lol

Jeez, you're not exactly setting your hopes high. I mean, here; your wish has been granted!:slap


Krillian's orange makes me nervous, the image very saturated and yet his Gi is much brighter than the release.
This Gi matches Normal Goku's Gi

Are they doing a SDCC Krillian? I want to be wrong.

CARTOONx22, I want to continue our discussion via PM so we don't disrupt the thread anymore with this topic.
I can tell you right now that if they do an sdcc krillin it's not gonna be manga. Because if they do hy the freakin HELL would the then designated anime retail release have white eyes?nThe reversed is kinda the same, why would they do a non white anime sdcc and yet make the retail gi anime too? The fact that krillin is a blend in anime and manga makes me assume he won't get any other paint job.

Also, thusfar the sdcc repaint to my knowledge has never leaked and I'd be baffled if it does now.

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