Sorry magpie, but FSLAR got it right the first time; it is indeed figma links slash effect, it happens to fit on trunks sword perfectly!
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What is FSLAR?
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Sorry magpie, but FSLAR got it right the first time; it is indeed figma links slash effect, it happens to fit on trunks sword perfectly!
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Yeah as in me. Geez guys. I'm not that inactive here, am I?
Deano that's great to know! I was wondering about that, since I was thinking of maybe using the effect when/if I get my own Trunks
Is that so? Tell me (PM or on my profile) from where. Might be or some imposterAh...I thought it was some abbreviation - I've seen it used in other forums too
Only a few of the Play Arts are really expensive, namely Solid Snake and Cyborg Ninja, and Devil AMy Cry 4 Dante and Nero. Ezio is ungodly expensive too but frankly I want the Hot Toys insteadThanks. I don't know anything about Revoltech, but I saw some reviews and apparently a lot of people don't like them either. I thought the face looked to "anime-ish" to me, and outside of Dragon Ball, I don't really that art style. I guess it beats spending over $100 on the Play Arts Kai one, because boy are those expensive!