Thank you Silrian! I sold the villains along with krillin and piccolo, since I'm not a big fan of the characters... And the villains just doesn't fit in my collection. I dislike them because, well, they're villains
I had the whole 16,17,18, arlian vegeta, cell, freeza thing, but I think that I had them more to say that I had a complete collection than because I really wanted it.
So I came to the decision of selling it and I don't regret lol, my display is more clean as you mentioned, which makes me feel better.
My "wishlist" for now on:
- Awakening Goku
- Majin Vegeta (when available)
- Gotenks (when available)
Both Majin and Gotenks will fulfil my display with the coeherent 'evolution' (from cell saga to boo saga).
Awakening Goku will be used with a normal head to be in a epic display between him against scouter vegeta (which I have, but not displayed), being a reference from the kamehameha vs garlick ho in the classic saiyan saga.
Let's say I'm close to reach what I want, but considering the logic of bandai, let's see how long it will take for the majin vegeta (and how many faces he will have)