Yeah, also, he actually traded blows with Goku in SSB, as Ultimate Gohan, freakin amazing, Gohan WAS trained by a diety too let's not forget. He kinda represents the highest Kai training vs Goku's Saiyan/BoG training. Really like that they've restored Ultimate Gohan through the story and still differentiate him from the other saiyans. I loved this episode so much, can't wait to hear all these moments with Sean.

Honestly, by now DBS has homaged, acknowledged and went into so much of DB and DBZ, it's kinda redeemed itself for me. This is a whacky franchize and DBS sure doubles down on that as well, but there's serious/sincere enough moments in DBS that I definitely wouldn't want to have missed out on.
Btw, so was it confirmed that DBS' ep-count was expanded over a 100 episodes?