This is getting ******* ridiculous.
I thought the Marvel Legends figure was the height of idiotic hypocrisy for gluing the guns into the holsters, but this is even worse.
If Marvel Legends were so concerned, they shouldn't have made a figure from an ultra-violent, hard-R ADULT movie in the first place.
They thought it was "hilarious" to show graphic depictions of heads being blown off in slow motion in a MOVIE, but then have some kind of moral high-horse to sit on when they make an action figure of the character?
For SHF, it's even more insulting. There's no pretense at all that any SHF figures were ever intended for children. These are 100% adult collector figures. And they're made and released in Japan, a country that doesn't have a "gun culture" in real life but simply views them as part of fantastical fictional movies.
I'd have pre-ordered in a heartbeat if this was actually a complete figure, but I'm disgusted at this hypocrisy.