The iron man images looks sick gregoriogeo . I'm excited for these figures! Hopefully they have some images of the hulk . That would be awesome to see how it actually looks
Like bardoon mention they actually have him (hulk) available right nowDamn I kept missing out on Hulk... Every time I heard it was in stock it was gone by time I got online!
noticed this while zooming in on some pics: seems that cap, thor and hulk each has a gap in the head. maybe Figuarts is implementing some kind of PERS (Parallel Eyeball Rolling System) like the figma avengers?
the only one worth getting is mark 45 imo, the other guys just look anime-ish to me upon closer look.
Can someone help me. What is a lot cheaper, buying from amiami or bbts? I want to get the avengers. I pre ordered them from bbts already but if it is cheaper to get them from amiami then i would get them from there.
The shipping is what gets me. Idk how much it would usually cost to ship to california from amiami. Amiami has iron man for $41 ( shipping ??? )Bbts has him for $59.99 with shipping coming at $7.00 and change I'm looking at $67 for him. It would seem amiami would be cheaper depending on shipping.It depends where you're located. Also AmiAmi discounted the figures slightly but they're already sold out of some like Cap. AmiAmi also ships from Japan so depending on your location, shipping costs might be higher.
The shipping is what gets me. Idk how much it would usually cost to ship to california from amiami. Amiami has iron man for $41 ( shipping ??? )Bbts has him for $59.99 with shipping coming at $7.00 and change I'm looking at $67 for him. It would seem amiami would be cheaper depending on shipping.