Umm, if you mean who has all the figures they arent all out yet. Next month
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Because you did not return the favor of crushing my hope for it, like I crush your hope for nappa all the time.![]()
Yeah id probably still just use them separately anyways, looks cooler imo
Well, they gave him A lance, just not the long one. We shouldnt really be surprised; its obvious tamashii just wants the whole team out ASAP, and as a result they arent being thought out properly in terms of their accessories etc.
Corners are being cut to take advantage of the anniversary, which is a shame, but as long as I get my figures I will admit I couldnt care less.
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They really couldn't just make the plastic a bit longer!? Because that's literally all they had to do... Give me a break, there's even less excuse for this than Goku's release.![]()