I got raped on Titanus, quite a few others here did too.
Of course. This " nobody is willing to pay $200 for a toy, so it was reduced " argument isnt really valid when people are willing to pay more than the release price. This is the difference between items going up in price on the 2ndary market and them going below retail price.Its only $250 on stupid ebay, because its no longer available at TRU or other toy stores.
American prices are cheapest in the world though. In the UK they were sold at what works out around $230 and then they were reduced by $50 and 1 week later they were gone. Theve never been for sale again since.Titanus actually sold for about $120 for 6 months at Tru. then price went up to about 140.
The hinge was there in the show, watch them summoning the zords and when Tommy summons the falconzord the shot they use usually has the wings flapping freely with the hinge being used
On a forum where its got $300+ hot toy figures that 95% of are a basic truetype body with some fancy tailored outfit on it and a headsculpt $200 reallllly by comparison isnt that much. Given its actually way bigger than most hot toys, given all of its transformation points is more articulated ect$200 dollars, Bandai can keep it, its overpriced...