The east coast gets ****ed every time with the Legacy line.
I get my replacement Megazord tomorrow so wish me luck it has no issues...
What's the word, Snake? (Good replacement?)
Falconzord is up on the TRU website now.
For the price? They suck, I got it for 49.99 plus 35$ tru reward discount and the price matched the value of the blade blaster, I only got like 10 mins of enjoyment and put it back in the box, great for cosplay though.
Right when I saw the falcon on tru, my 20$ reward discount came in!! Wooooo
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I buy Lego and TMNT!!! Lol, plus it was Xmas so you know, i never keep track I just get emails every two months with 30 bucks in rewards points
Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free
I got some Blade Blasters coming. What was everyone's thoughts on those?