X Plus is the prom Queen and Jakks is the ugly sister.
You mean the parts that go on the Unicorn and Griffin that cover the thighs of the Megazord?
Yep! Not sure HOW much it will fix it, but it's what's new for version 2.0.
What email did you talk to? And did you need proof of purchase?
Use this link: https://www.bandai.com/support/contact.html
Click "Contact Form" and tell them your Thunderzord has a lean.
They contacted me about 48 hours later. BUT then, they said I have to call or email them with my address and they'll send the parts - I could not email them my address (which makes no sense, but whatever.) I called and left a voicemail to the number they specified.
Thanks! I'll probably message them on the weekend. Mine doesn't lean, but I'd like to have better parts.
No worries! Yeah, and they didn't ask me for proof either. They were really prompt about it - I was surprised.
So if I were to buy the thunder megazord now, I won't need to worry about this issue?
So if I were to buy the thunder megazord now, I won't need to worry about this issue?