You mean the Tommy version? Where did you get it?
Local TRU had 3. They ship in 4-pack. they also had 2 new dragonzord as well. Just got them this week.You mean the Tommy version? Where did you get it?
Local TRU had 3. They ship in 4-pack. they also had 2 new dragonzord as well. Just got them this week.
How much are they charging for that version?
$79.99 +
Is it the head of the JAKKS that you guys don't like?
I really don't see a big difference between these two. I see differences....yes. But when I look at both, it still 'bring me back.' So my thing is, why spend $300, when I can spend $60 - and it's double the size. The Megazord is meant to be big. That's what JAKKS is giving us. So if anything, I would think it's the JAKKS' that bring more nostalgia to the table.
The Legacy Megazord is literally 3 inches smaller than the X-Plus. Why pay $300 for something you already have? That's simplifying it, but still.
And these are genuine questions here. I'm not trying to attack anyone. I respect everyone's opinion. The X-Plus definitely looks cool - I like both.