Have to watch the CLone Wars series again but wasn't a past Mace really a strong and tough warrior Jedi. Explains why he had a purple saber
I'm currently on S1 of Clone Wars. I'm new to it and enjoying it so far
Have to watch the CLone Wars series again but wasn't a past Mace really a strong and tough warrior Jedi. Explains why he had a purple saber
I will be honest Sil, that last sentence made me lol!
Listen to Silrian folks, otherwise you will be continually disappointed in figuarts lines.
Never assume that just because they showed a prototype that it will be released, treat every reveal as a cool "what if we released this?" showing.
The now defunct sentai line showed at least 2 dozen figures that never surfaced, and dragonball has seen at least 8 protos that havent been seen or mentioned since being shown (much like Han, Chewie and Grievous honestly)
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He's got some decent accessories, but, I'm already getting the ROTJ one this week to go with my Vader and I'm not sure I want 2 Lukes yet. Reviews might sway me though, we'll see...
Well yeah, I know the story about Jackson wanting the pink/purple saber but I thought it also tied up nicely with the video I saw which really makes sense. Here's the vid if you're interested, it looks like it is pretty well researched. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qTKaWcpyBdY
I'm so excited for that kit! I need the phase 2 helmet to cast lolModel kit clone trooper snuck up on me aswell, its out the end of this month!
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Remeber this video is mostly based on novels in the previous expanded universe and from video game sources. So ultimately means squat in the movie and new canon universe of Disney. Lucas never went on record as ever saying what the colors meant (nor has Disney up to this point). As in that video there is much information contradictory as to what we've seen in the movies. In the clone wars episode with Yoda & the Padawans making their sabers, the crystals called out to them. They didn't pick the color nor was it assigned to them as some sort of rank nor based on their abilities. Also Yoda & Mace Windu (who also created his own lightsaber fighting style)are regarded as the most powerful/proficient living Jedi saber wielders (with Anakin, at the time, closing in). And as stated, Samuel L Jackson just wanted a purple lightsaber cause he thought it would look cool, and he never even thought Lucas would actually do it... That was it, no other meaning... So as of now, colors mean squat, other than the Sith/Dark Side devotees using red synthetic crystals.
While there are no guarantees with SHF, I'm thinking I'll wait it out for an ESB Luke. I had the ROTJ and it's a great figure, but ESB is the one I really want .. either Snowspeeder or Bespin, although between the two, I'd say Bespin is far more likely.
I think I'd only go a Bespin Luke if it had an alternate BD head and hand stump and a Luke/Vader reveal head. That would be nice!
, on Flickr
, on Flickr
The Horns are way too sharp![]()
Thanks for that, I'll go with them then,
I'd rather pay a decent price from a trusted seller than leap at one offering a lower price that might turn out to be too good to be true.
Just watched a pretty good documentary called Plastic Galaxy about the kenner Star Wars run and vintage SW collecting. Originally the lightsaber was planned to be telescoping, so there was a thinner part inside another, that you would pull out like they already do, and then you could extend even further. They ditched the telescoping part but not the thin blade at the end.I never understood the thin end of the lightsaber on those old toys lol. Was it to make it easier to pull out? I swear my old Vader had a tab under the arm to push the saber out, but I could be remembering wrong.