No, I'm still waiting on my Anakin order from CDJapan as well.
Yeah, I don’t know what happened here. This is the first of the main character releases that I’m gonna pass. Also judging from the prototype, I’m not a fan of the ROTS obiwan face as well.
I'm not either. Come to think of it, the only Obi-Wan they have done that I like is EP1. I still haven't picked up ANH Kenobi and I went into this largely wanting to complete that set.
I may have this Anakin dueling Maul as a kind of "what if" scenario for Palps love.
I'm not a fan of it either. But it looks a LOT better than this cosplay looking Anakin face. Figuarts has been dropping the ball on faces lately.
LolAgain, i got this solely for the Sith eyes face and in that regard it delivered. If it hadn't came with it i would''t have ordered.
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I may have some fun with the screamin demon look from time to time.
It's so bad it's good.