S-Hero Batman/Superman TAS

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Posted by Kit on FB
Looking good! Seeing as how they had developed new bodies just for these, it would be a shame if they didn't go any further than WW
I really like it. It’s a nice translation from 2D to 3D for a 1/6 figure and was what I hoped Mondo would have done when they first announced BTAS figures.

They can definitely do Justice League figures using these new bodies and wouldn’t be surprised to see a Clark Kent as well.

After binging the new series, I would like them to release a Batman: Caped Crusader figure as well.
I am quite anxious to see it as well and have been checking EBay and other parts of internet and just found box pictures. S-Hero doesn’t tend to post much after the promo pics.

Someone in Asia or elsewhere is bound to receive it next week which should provide us with photos and perhaps video reviews.
Keeping my fingers crossed that it turned out well.
I never understood this...why not show off your products? Just weird that they want these to sell, but they never let you see the final product.

Two or 3 figs I have to purchase, all I need to see is the final product. On top of my head one of them is this, the other is that Edward Cullen figure from JF Studios. I have yet to see final products anywhere on ebay or through searches.
Thanks for sharing, Tex! Seeing this was all I needed to sway me towards placing an order.

The sculpt is really nice, even if it's not totally faithful to the proper character design. And the subtle airbrushing really brings it to life.

I'm hoping this will pair nicely to the TNBA Batman figure. I've always been among the minority that liked the updated look of the characters.
"I never understood this...why not show off your products? Just weird that they want these to sell, but they never let you see the final product."

How about: it's unlicensed, so they have to be careful? That said, they do have reveals - you just have to look for them.
"I never understood this...why not show off your products? Just weird that they want these to sell, but they never let you see the final product."

How about: it's unlicensed, so they have to be careful? That said, they do have reveals - you just have to look for them.
I am pretty sure "they" know it exists and unlicensed..I mean 😕
I really like it. It’s a nice translation from 2D to 3D for a 1/6 figure and was what I hoped Mondo would have done when they first announced BTAS figures.

They can definitely do Justice League figures using these new bodies and wouldn’t be surprised to see a Clark Kent as well.

After binging the new series, I would like them to release a Batman: Caped Crusader figure as well.
It looks really good. I'm just surprised by the face paints. I like the blush on the cheeks.

That body will be used like at least 10 times...
Black suit supes
White Suit
Reverse Flash
Bat bat bat bat bat.....
I guess no ankle articulation... :dunno
Thinking the same thing. Really no excuse with what you see these days with boot cuts that are highly articulated but aesthetically pleasing.

That said… Super (pun intended) excited for this line.

As I feared: he looks undersized. Hopefully it’ll be easy to add height to the shins, as those are a little short anyway . Looks like the belt & loops are separate from the shorts, making it easy to place the belt at the top (or fold the top of the shorts down)
I don’t know that I’d trust the measurement in the video:

Looks really good here:

Posed properly, this guy should look good.
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Hot Toys figures have been getting larger and larger over time, so I don't think this is necessarily undersized. Not going to be putting it with Hot Toys anyway.

One thing that is concerning in that video is that the body just has those two huge slots to put the cape in. Hopefully the suit can be futzed to stay over top of those slots.
One thing that is concerning in that video is that the body just has those two huge slots to put the cape in. Hopefully the suit can be futzed to stay over top of those slots.
As Lenny Dykstra would say, "how's the slot?" I noticed that in the first photo. Pretty unsightly. Something about this figure isn't doing it for me, though I like the idea. I think I'll hold off and see what, if anything, SooSoo Toys does since they have proven themselves to release really quality products.
I agree that Hot Toys bodies have been getting larger through the years but I am just hoping he is taller than Mondo’s Batman which still seemed short after they reissued him.

There obviously didn’t seem to be much (or any) futzing of the figure before it was filmed for the video as evidenced by the belt/loops, so I am hopeful the suit can be raised up to cover the cape slots in his chest.

So far all Soosootoys has shown was one Batman head sculpt so I wouldn’t count on them releasing an animated Superman any time soon. Perhaps seeing this figure will push Soosootoys to push the time frame forward or it could cause them to drop the idea of releasing animated figures completely. S-Hero seems more dedicated to expanding the line since they have developed a specific male and female body for it.

Looking forward to more pictures and videos once people get it in hand.