Sabretooth PF

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Pajama party on Wed :rock:rock:rock:rock

Pajama party on Wed :rock:rock:rock:rock

I guarantee this will go on 2nd chance.

There is a chance this will go on second chance, but it is not because the statue is not great. There has been so many desirable pieces released lately that most people have had to cancel due to lack of funds. To me the Ex. Sabes is much better than the regular. I think regular will be around for awhile, but if the Ex. does become available people better snatch it up because it won't be for long once people get their other items paid off. I think this piece is fantastic, and being a fan of PF's I am very impressed with the cloth work on this statue. The Wolvie PF is F$&%&$ awesome and it will look even cooler with the Sabes PF which is just as F%^$(#) awesome!!!!:lecture:lecture:lecture
Awesome SCULPT...


Hey Binny,

First off :cuckoo: Sabretooth is gonna be awesome. With all of your negative comments I am starting to think you are actually Buzzybean using a different screen name. You must like it because you keep posting about it.

Secondly, Nebraska is going to get their A$$ kicked coming into the Big Ten. OSU is going to own you every year. Enjoy your last cake schedule in 2010 because their are not nearly as many gimmies as you have in the Big 12. That felt good, I like talking a little junk with college football right around the corner.:)
The clothing tailoring is 10x better on this than on the Wolverine PF. At least this one doesn't have leg & chest seams that stick out like a sore thumb.