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I really wish Sideshow would post some new production pictures of this. The prototype paint looks fantastic but I am not a fan of the convention pictures. I am pretty torn on weather to keep it or cancel.
I really wish Sideshow would post some new production pictures of this. The prototype paint looks fantastic but I am not a fan of the convention pictures. I am pretty torn on weather to keep it or cancel.

Canceled both of mine due to the convention pics, but hope for the ones who kept their orders the paint apps are corrected.
I wonder if finger nail polish remover could loosen up that paint on the Sandtrooper? It would be nice to sort of "wash" it out, so it doesn't look like bantha poo.
Thanks Dorgmal. In my opinion, that's all this figure needs in terms of adjustments. My anticipation for this figure is insane...
Sandtrooper was released a few days ago in Toyhunters shop, sold out already, cant believe it ... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :monkey4
just canceled my EX sandtrooper

Cant afford it right now - too many other financial responsibilities (and collectibles) to focus on,

Congrats to a lucky waitlister!!

Pics from TW


i know the weathering doesnt look that good, but i think overall the figure turned out pretty nice. i actually might keep this one on order. i want to see some more pictures with better lighting.
Pics from TW



The one they had at SDCC was production.



Very strange about the extra clean helmet. And the weathering looks very uneven, with the forearms the nice dusty tan all over, and the chest and legs the big dark splotches on very white armor. It could be the lighting, though. And compare with the images from the Con. Different weathering, particularly the torso--the new pics have a very dark brown in the crevices and the Con pics have a tan in the crevices. And the Con's helmet has the overall tan weathering.

Still like it though.
Well, there is a long way until we get a figure that can be called the ultimate Sandtrooper figure. Hot Toys where are you?
I can imagine even if the paint job was exactly like the proto, people would still be dissatisfied, maybe less so but dissatisfied just the same. And I also think doing some custom weathering on this guy will be relatively simple and just darn fun! There would be no real "wrong" way to do it. There's no set pattern for the dirt--it's just whatever you deem as dirty enough. I know a lot of you guys will say, "for $110 we shouldn't HAVE TO repaint", but I still think even if it was a more realistic style of weathering like the proto had, people would still want to add a little splash here and there, just to personalize.

I'm not that critical with the weathering. I don't think the weathering paint job takes away from the likeness of the figure like a poor paint job on a face would. So if my waitlist converts, I'll happily take the trooper!
Very strange about the extra clean helmet. And the weathering looks very uneven, with the forearms the nice dusty tan all over, and the chest and legs the big dark splotches on very white armor. It could be the lighting, though. And compare with the images from the Con. Different weathering, particularly the torso--the new pics have a very dark brown in the crevices and the Con pics have a tan in the crevices. And the Con's helmet has the overall tan weathering.

Still like it though.

Just noticed the boots. Almost clean! Wouldn't they be dirtier than the rest of the leg?

Poor show. :sick
Has anyone else posted that the pauldron is cloth but the pouches are not? Why can't they go that extra mile? For this price it's hard to believe we're getting plastic pouches. :banghead
Looks pretty good actually, I think but alas I cannot keep mine, anyone want to buy it? (Probably sound like a broken record in this thread :) )