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What kind of tape was used , and what exactly is the problem with the straps . I'm getting my regular version Friday to open and want to know what I'm in for.
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Good news that it arrived in nice shape this time! The pictures are great. Even the weathering doesn't look that bad from your photos.
I agree with you 100% about the customer service - 2nd to none.

I also appreciate that a one off, artist made prototype can't necessarily be re-produced en mass in a factory, however... In my opinion a company like Sideshow who are making "High end" collectables as much as "Toys" aught to be striving to get as close as possible. It's not like they are adverse to upping the prices to cover extra work; $90 for Regular Stormtrooper, $110 for Sandtrooper.
Why not make it $120 and nail the paint & produce the already sculpted droid part hand?

I'm not whining, I'm getting the Sergeant, Squad leaders on order, and I'll want a couple of Black pauldron troopers if/when they make them, I just think as customers we have the right to speak up when things are a little disappointing, otherwise Sideshow will think we don't care about shoddy paint, floppy bodies, misleading prototypes, etc etc... If we continue to point these things out - politely - perhaps the next figure will be better!

Just my humble opinion - I love Sideshow to bits - MORE STAR WARS FIGURES PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE!!!!!

Agree 100%. Constructive criticism should be the order of the day...even from me. Good show!:peace
What kind of tape was used , and what exactly is the problem with the straps . I'm getting my regular version Friday to open and want to know what I'm in for.

I didn't have any "problem" with the straps, they ARE tiny but seem to hold well. I also am "resting" the backpack on the metal ridge part of the stand as exta support.
I wish you to lose the same amount of money each time I have to pay these stupid taxes. Amen! :D

LOL - I think we get just as ripped here in the UK.

Perhaps we should gang up and invade America! Who's up for it? World domination here we come! All in the name of cheaper toys!!!!!:chew
LOL - I think we get just as ripped here in the UK.

Perhaps we should gang up and invade America! Who's up for it? World domination here we come! All in the name of cheaper toys!!!!!:chew

It is not America's fault here but EU's, it's our own import taxes, fees and custom charges. :eek: EU needs this money to build palaces and buy expensive cars for their politicians. :D:rolleyes:
Hey, hey, hey.....whoa. Let's wait a minute here! I'm sure we get jammed here somehow too (just can't think of it right now). You guys just settle down before someone gets hurt.:gun
Good news that it arrived in nice shape this time! The pictures are great. Even the weathering doesn't look that bad from your photos.

Thanks. I was really glad it arrived in good shape. tomorrow i'll go to the new house and display him with his Imperial brothers. :naughty
It is not America's fault here but EU's, it's our own import taxes, fees and custom charges. :eek: EU needs this money to build palaces and buy expensive cars for their politicians. :D:rolleyes:

Damn! Your right. This will be a longer campaign than I had planned :mad:

First Europe, then Asia, then my friend we take on Uncle Sam! :horror

Cheap toys are within our reach and I've just put myself on some CIA most wanted list LOL :banghead
Heres a couple of my pics, using direct light (partial cloudy)




close up


comparing the two

This is one of those figures that had me at: Pretty decent yesterday to HOLY FRAK today!!!! Just loving it!
Nice pics. :clap

You can really see the overall dirtiness in the sunlight and compared with the Stromtrooper.
i think the loose ring works. it lets people position it themselves cuz you know if sideshow had it attached certain people would say it was off by half a millimeter.:rolleyes: providing the extra hand let's the owner decide if they wanna permanently attach the ring with glue or something the way they want it, and still have the extra hand for other poses. i'd say everybody wins. what was the problem again?

The issue is the following: this is the first time, to my knowledge, that an exclusive item has been downgraded in production. Changes in paint apps and tailoring can be expected in a mass produced figure. But I have never seen the exclusive piece change to something less than advertised. We were presented with a very nice hand that has a visually unique sculpt (notice the forefinger and pinky) holding a washer. I was happy with this exclusive and that is why I ordered it from Sideshow. This hand was switched with a generic hand without any announcement of this change before my credit card was charged and the item shipped. I only found out about the change because I frequent this thread. How should I not feel duped?

The issue is the following: this is the first time, to my knowledge, that an exclusive item has been downgraded in production. Changes in paint apps and tailoring can be expected in a mass produced figure. But I have never seen the exclusive piece change to something less than advertised. We were presented with a very nice hand that has a visually unique sculpt (notice the forefinger and pinky) holding a washer. I was happy with this exclusive and that is why I ordered it from Sideshow. This hand was switched with a generic hand without any announcement of this change before my credit card was charged and the item shipped. I only found out about the change because I frequent this thread. How should I not feel duped?


Dude, if you feel that strongly about it contact them and let them know.


The bright silver ring looks ridiculous anyway considering the state R2 and 3P0 were in, its far better with the damaged paintwork, this just shows how anal some people are just ^^^^^ing about a ring that can be no more than 5mm across. Star Wars fans are the worst. I know i'm one of them.
The issue is the following: this is the first time, to my knowledge, that an exclusive item has been downgraded in production. Changes in paint apps and tailoring can be expected in a mass produced figure. But I have never seen the exclusive piece change to something less than advertised. We were presented with a very nice hand that has a visually unique sculpt (notice the forefinger and pinky) holding a washer. I was happy with this exclusive and that is why I ordered it from Sideshow. This hand was switched with a generic hand without any announcement of this change before my credit card was charged and the item shipped. I only found out about the change because I frequent this thread. How should I not feel duped?


So send it back and get your money back! That's all you have to do.