Sarah Connor has been terminated!

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Working with Warner Bros. and on THE SCC, the producers of the SALVATION didn't want the show to exist along with their movie. The $100 million dollar plus feature franchise wins out over the show. Just what I heard throughout the talk on the lot.
it's all talk. though it probably will be cancelled i just won't believe it til the stupid bastards at FOX say so. remember a few months ago when they had an "inside source" say it was canceled after episode 11 or something.:rolleyes:
That pretty much describes the show :lol

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i love how the same riff raff on this board keeps bashing this show from day 1. it's been 2 years. get over it. when i dont like something i say my piece and move on. i don't hold a 2 year crusade about it.
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i love how the same riff raff on this board keeps bashing this show from day 1. it's been 2 years. get over it. when i dont like something i say my piece and move on. i don't hold a 2 year crusade about it.

Riff Raff
I don't know why, but I loved that put down. And it was aimed at me :rotfl
i love how the same riff raff on this board keeps bashing this show from day 1. it's been 2 years. get over it. when i dont like something i say my piece and move on. i don't hold a 2 year crusade about it.

Right. I wasn't a big fan in the beginning, but it continued to get better and better as it went on. If you didn't stick with it, you missed out on some good television. I'm sorry that it's over with.
The thing is I kept coming back hoping that I could get into it.
Maybe I was just unlucky and I just caught the boring episodes.
When you watch the Movies, it's pretty much non stop action, and that really seemed to be lacking in the TV show.
Too many people where introduced. And the plot was convoluted.
They should have kept it much simpler, that's what you want from Terminator.
When I want mindless fun I might watch the Terminator movies, when I want thought provoking TV, I watch the Wire.
I enjoyed the first season. This show HAD a lot of potential. But season 2 just sucked. By the time it went on hiatus I lost interest and after it was moved to Friday nights it got worse. The fact that the cliffhanger was unresolved is negligible. They missed their chance to take this show in the direction it desperately needed to go. Terminator 90210 just didn't cut it anymore.
It isn't over till it is over. Fox said it won't make a final decision until May 18th.

The thing is I kept coming back hoping that I could get into it.
Maybe I was just unlucky and I just caught the boring episodes.
When you watch the Movies, it's pretty much non stop action, and that really seemed to be lacking in the TV show.
Too many people where introduced. And the plot was convoluted.
They should have kept it much simpler, that's what you want from Terminator.
When I want mindless fun I might watch the Terminator movies, when I want thought provoking TV, I watch the Wire.

It's funny you say that because that's exactly why I liked SCC, because I saw it as much more than mindless action. That's what I always liked about the 2 Terminator movies. Yes they were action packed, but there was a clever premise behind it. I thought the TV show did a fantastic job elaborating on that, and treating the ideas that the movies had with respect and intelligence. I agree SCC was no Wire (although I've never seen it so I'll take your word for it) and certainly not high art, but I liked that the drama was based on tense situations and an engaging, involved plot, not just fights and explosions. I'll admit that the show wasn't perfect and there were many episodes that dragged on forever (I was ready to kill Riley myself), but it treated the source material with regard and reverence. The movies had a lot of ideas to mine and I think the TV show did a great job picking up on the better ideas and building a show around them.

I liked the show. Never had any problems with the cast. I'm sorry to see it go since I liked where things were headed.
The show was basically only a promotional vehicle to stimulate interest in the franchise leading up to Terminator Salvation. With only a month until its release this show is no longer needed.
I don't mind a good action flick but its also nice to have a story and get background information for characters too which what this show was for. I saw T1 and T2. I know what a Terminator does so I don't need to see one kill somebody every 10 seconds. I want to know how the Terminator was built and by who and why. And how John Connor becomes JOHN CONNOR. This show had a lot of promise. If you watch the first season of Seinfeld those shows were terrible but then they found their groove and got things going and it became a hit. While this show was far from perfect it was getting better (much better) and now we will never know how good it could have been. Just seems like a shame.
Yep, like I said, I wanted this show to succeed. The EP was a neighborhood Bud, even Richard T lived next door at one time. All great people and very talented...

But the Show itself was wrong-vibed from the start. I was hoping it would get on track, but it never really did IMO. They unfortunately lost much of their huge built-in Fan base pretty quickly. And the ratings kept declining. In this Economic environment, with dwindling TV Ad Dollars (Auto Ads in the crapper) there were too many strikes against it. Their only Salvation may be Salvation -- and I'm sure Fox Execs will keep close track on the numbers there. If Salvation does HUGE numbers Fox may give it another season, if its so-so, this will have to face the Robotic Press.

As far as Salvation/WB Execs wanting this pulled, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me: SCC completed its 2nd Season run long before TS Opens, so they have an untainted release window.
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About time. That TV show was a bloody bore. Summer Glau being a Terminator was about as convicing as Arnold Schwarzenegger being a florist.

Which is as convincing as Arnold pregnant, right:lol

I love Summer Glau, but Lena Heady (though extremely hot in 300) was never the Sarah Linda was. Somebody called it Talkinator. Aint that the truth. That show had some good twists and takes on things, but overall it was too heavy with depressing emotion and drama for a sci-fi show. It was more like a soap opera with a robot or two. I lost interest when Cameron had an identity crisis and started doing ballet (only cause Summer Glau was a trained Ballerina) and cried for a whole episode. Crying and loving Terminators don't interest me. They couldn't possibly get me back after that. And Shirley Manson as a 1000 style head of a major corp. Come on. I don't know what happened after that, and didn't care.

Dollhouse, on the other hand, I love a lot, and I will be very disappointed if Fox screws that one the way they did Firefly. A lot of people didn't get it, but Firefly was absolutely brilliant.
I don't mind a good action flick but its also nice to have a story and get background information for characters too which what this show was for. I saw T1 and T2. I know what a Terminator does so I don't need to see one kill somebody every 10 seconds. I want to know how the Terminator was built and by who and why. And how John Connor becomes JOHN CONNOR. This show had a lot of promise. If you watch the first season of Seinfeld those shows were terrible but then they found their groove and got things going and it became a hit. While this show was far from perfect it was getting better (much better) and now we will never know how good it could have been. Just seems like a shame.


I agree 100%! (Except for the Seinfeld part cos I think there was something nice about how simple that fist season was :))
It's funny you say that because that's exactly why I liked SCC, because I saw it as much more than mindless action. That's what I always liked about the 2 Terminator movies. Yes they were action packed, but there was a clever premise behind it. I thought the TV show did a fantastic job elaborating on that, and treating the ideas that the movies had with respect and intelligence. I agree SCC was no Wire (although I've never seen it so I'll take your word for it) and certainly not high art, but I liked that the drama was based on tense situations and an engaging, involved plot, not just fights and explosions. I'll admit that the show wasn't perfect and there were many episodes that dragged on forever (I was ready to kill Riley myself), but it treated the source material with regard and reverence. The movies had a lot of ideas to mine and I think the TV show did a great job picking up on the better ideas and building a show around them.

I liked the show. Never had any problems with the cast. I'm sorry to see it go since I liked where things were headed.

I do feel sorry for you guys that like the show.
I would feel the same if that happend to my favorite shows.
I sometimes think American shows can suffer from too many episodes.
Maybe SCC season 2 should have had around the same as Season1, say around 12. It works for Dexter. I watch Heroes, but it seems to run out of ideas half way through it's Season.
I do feel sorry for you guys that like the show.
I would feel the same if that happend to my favorite shows.
I sometimes think American shows can suffer from too many episodes.
Maybe SCC season 2 should have had around the same as Season1, say around 12. It works for Dexter. I watch Heroes, but it seems to run out of ideas half way through it's Season.

I agree with you there. I too get the sense that with most TV shows the seasons are packed with too many filler episodes among some truly great ones. I think American TV should take a cue from UK TV shows and do shorter seasons, or have them be self-contained. Or if a show is on the verge of being canceled, give them the opportunity to wrap up any loose ends in a final episode or two.
Fox strikes again! I swore to myself that after Firefly and then Wonderfalls I wouldn't try to get too excited for shows that aired on Fox. Yet when Sarah Connor and then Dollhouse came about, I wanted to be excited.....but just couldn't. I've only seen most of season 1 and still need to catch season 2, but what I seen I truly enjoyed.