Some quickie photos. Camera was dying, so this was the best I can do until tomorrow!
I like this shot even though it's blurry:
I totally agree regarding the head.
That's a very cool crossover. I wonder how he would look with an Ursus head?
He needs his trademark rifle. Can the bandoleer fit over the suit?
I think the Ursus head would look good also (probably better – the soldier’s teeth bug me, also*). I would try it and post a photo, but my Hot Toys Ursus got boxed up because I was planning to move.
No, I could not get the bandoleer to fit over the suit without modification. (I didn't.)
*Has anyone tried a Hot Toys soldier teeth rework? If the snout was hollow it might be easier but I don’t think it is hollow.
WOW!! 1754 post pages of Apes!! I'm Angel from Spain. I'm new at the forum and I love POTA too. I really enjoyed having a look at this post, (although I didn't read all pages) I specially enjoyed Jessica sculpts,
Congratulations Jessica and hi everyone!
I owe a Sideshow Dr. Zaius and I was thinking about changing his plastic/rubber hair for real hair or fur. Did someone tried to do this? Some ideas?
Excuse my bad english.