Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Love that last shot!

Zaius is looking a little pale though...

He probably blanched at the thought of his wife finding out! :wink1:

Forgot to say that it was dreadful at the hotel I slept at...only because I could not sleep. Woke up every hour because I was too excited to get my ape on...and the night of the convention, when most of the makeup was already removed and I was struggling to find sleep, the back of my right thigh started to threaten to cramp up on me. Usually when I wear the boots it's my toes or the back of my leg...but good thigh??? Also my arms were killing me from lugging around "stuff." I never carry purses and always travel the book, the cards, baby Milo and a water bottle really did damage. That was another reason I could not sleep--my arm muscles were aching...maybe a Tylenol would have dulled the pain but it was too late to go out and forage for some. can only remove so much of the glue before you say screw it...I'm getting to bed. In the morning, the back of my left hand was white with blanket fuzz. So gross!!
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Anybody attending the apes premiere in Hollywood?

I went to a talk two weeks ago with the director Rupert Wyatt, Andy Serkis, Joe Letteri of WETA, etc. They showed some clips of the film and talked about it pretty extensively. It was pretty cool from a film-buff's point of view, but didn't shed much light on anything. Clare Richardson of The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund was there and spoke about her knowledge of apes and gorillas in particular which was enlightening (an interesting point is that real chimps are actually more violent than gorillas. Something the films get backwards).

Anyway some of the CGI looked amazingly good (like the beginning of a scene where a captive chimp starts going crazy when they are trying to get her out of her cage) and other stuff looked like boring absurdly unrealistic cartoon CGI with creatures flying through the air, etc.

Though I don't know the full plot details yet, the story seems a bit annoying with the lame premise of "science" "overstepping it's boundaries" .... "again", which is such a tired Hollywood cliche (and actually a false cliche too as it's usually corporate powers doing the overstepping), but it was interesting to see the presentation. Not sure I'll see the film in theaters as it just doesn't have the appeal the originals do.

Fellow council member, PZ. Did you know orangutans can be so tall?

Drew Gaska, author of the Conspiracy of the Planet of the Apes and PZ in the background.

I was so busy during the convention that I totally forgot to be on the lookout for PZ. I'm so glad he found me! And the cool thing was he said I was the very first ape he encountered at Comicon...and he's been going for eight years. Can you believe that? :hi5:

(Not too sure that I was supposed to be in that second shot... but I couldn't get out of the way in time either.:wave)

It was a joy to finally meet you Jess... it was one of the highlights of this year's con... it was great to FINALLY see an Ape at the Con! :clap :clap :clap

It's always an adjustment back to reality after spending five days at SDCC. All I want to do is sleep.
Hey PZ--make sure you go back a few posts...there's the missing Paul Williams singing on the Johnny Carson show from 1973.
Yeah, I saw it. :thud: :thud: :thud:

I never thought I would see it again (I saw the original broadcast)! Totally amazing! The copy is so clear... did it come from a DVD relase of Carson material?
I don't know, but one of my ape friends posted it on Facebook. Bri from Apemania said to try looking through the Carson archives...but I just never had the time to sift through that material. Virgil is just way too cool. I had never seen the original, but was always on the lookout for this since you had mentioned it once.

Here are more photos of that guy's casts of the Lawgiver!! Praise Him!



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For those that ordered the Conspiracy novel, you should be receiving them any moment now if they are not already in your damned dirty paws. I was wondering what your first impressions were?

While I was at the convention, the artist who painted the cover signed a poster for me, and it was laying in front of Drew's table as he signed autographs. By the end of the convention, the poster was somewhere out there is my signed poster. :(
For those that ordered the Conspiracy novel, you should be receiving them any moment now if they are not already in your damned dirty paws. I was wondering what your first impressions were?

While I was at the convention, the artist who painted the cover signed a poster for me, and it was laying in front of Drew's table as he signed autographs. By the end of the convention, the poster was somewhere out there is my signed poster. :(

Sorry to hear about your poster. I almost had the same artist sign the book but I kept on forgetting to bring it.

As for the book, I promised my son that I wouldn't read too much of it until I came home from Comic Con so we can read it together. Currently we are on Chapter 4. I really like the way that the author extends the details of scenes we already know by heart. For example, the way the author gets into the head of Landon in the scene where the astronauts first step onto land after their ship sinks... his thoughts of Stewart and his dawning belief that he made a critical error in accepting this mission. All of it really rang true and lined up VERY well with all of the dialogue we know from the film. :clap :clap :clap

It's also fun how he sets up a sort of rivalry between Marcus and Ursus. I would have NEVER thought of that. :slap :slap :slap
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Were you still there when Drew gave me info on the upcoming novel? I just can't wait to read that one!! So awesome that you are reading it with your son.
Hey Jess, there's a YouTube video of all the CosPlayers at SDCC, set to "Born This Way" in which you appear. I was amused and happy to see that cute little chimp mug;didn't you want to sing?...PS
Paul, I did not realize that they were asking people to sing. I did not even know I was going to be on the video, but it's super cool.'s a horrible photo of me, but funny anyway. I did not want to take one but he insisted (I was at the booth collecting something on behalf of another forum member), and I told him to put Jessica as my name but he went ahead and put Zira. I feel doofy.
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Were you still there when Drew gave me info on the upcoming novel? I just can't wait to read that one!! So awesome that you are reading it with your son.

I spoke to him at length during Preview Night on Wednesday and yeah he told me it was going to be about Taylor's adventures with the Mutants before Brent met up with him. Sounds cool. He said the next one is for certain... it WILL be published. The next two POTA novels he has planned are a bit more up in the air.
Drew says he will be at Wondercon. Yay!

Did I tell you guys that I suddenly feel so short? I never noticed before...but a lot of people kept telling me that I was short at Comicon. Actually, I thought I was five feet, but the last time I was at the doctor's for a checkup they said that I was 4 feet 11. No wonder I look just a tad bit shorter than my girlfriend in photos even though I thought we were the same height.
Yeah and at 6' 3" people say I'm too tall to be any ape let alone an orangutan. I'm the same height Charlton Heston and you saw how he towered over them.

Anyway, here's a cool image from the UK promotion of Rise of the Planet of the Apes:


Too bad we in the US don't get this poster! :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2