Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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You and me both. :D

Found some more old photos of me in my Zira outfit in the late 1970's. These images are blow ups from an extremely small contact strip that came from my local newspaper who interviewed me when I was a teenager and took photos of me in my local high street. *eye roll*




The mask in these pics was made out of solid strips of air drying clay would you believe as when I made this I had no idea where to get liquid latex from let alone use it. :lol:
Are there any lucky NY area apes? Drew Gaska, author of the Conspiracy would like to meet up with you and even show you the artwork for the new novel.....

Film Forum West Houston St. in NYC's Greenwich Village with be showing the Original Planet of the Apes for one ween starting tomorrow, Fri. July 8th until Thursday July 14th in a glorious new 35 MM print!

I was thinking of putting a group together, thought we might all go to dinner, see the movie, I could show you all art from the book, and talk about the story. This is a 'everyone-pays-their-own-way' thing, just a social gathering of apes fans who might want to get a chance to talk to the author.

Haven't set the date yet, just putting out feelers now.

It sounds great and I'd LOVE to meet Drew and see the art from the book, but if it wasn't during the day I couldn't even consider it. :monkey2
Hello everyone,

Looking forward to that new Conspiracy book coming out next month. It's about time. We've all waited long enough...

Also, I'm still selling a handful of 1/6 scale (ape items) every week on eBay. I yhink I'm going to sell my 3 "Omega Man" figures too.

If interested please check these ape items out:

YAY! Guys I get to get my ape on. FINALLY!! My husband says he will drive me to San Diego. This whole trip was on again off again...really pissing me off! Anyway, I am so glad to finally get my ape on at a big convention. PZ, I will PM you my cell number and even though I will be in costume on that Saturday, we should still finally meet up.

I'm actually running a new foam latex mask now, but I won't know for another 3.5 hours if it's a good one or not. I have 2 weeks still to get a good mask made.

Damn I'm so excited. I just love getting made up in costume.

Angel good luck on your sales. The buyer will be a well deserving ape fan, so your stuff is going to good homes. I miss seeing your new projects though.

Did I show you guys my current sculpt? The plan is when the foam is baked, I will coat the teeth with liquid resin and then paint them up. They really should be slushed latex, but I am too lazy to create a small mold just for the teeth.

And this is the current suit I am battling with:

So many things to do, so little time. The daycare show is Saturday and not all the costumes are completed yet. After I forage for some food for lunch, I'm going over to the daycare to complete the 6 dresses...
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Oh that looks wonderful. Really beautifully done.

Lord I wish I could go with you. :D

I wish you could be there too. I know you'd be brave enough to don the full ape gear!

Jessica, your sculpting skills are also crazy good! I'm looking forward to the finished product.

Thank yoU! I try, especially if it's ape related.

Here are my current ape projects. Showing you so you can see how large the Cornelius is compared to Zira. The middle Zira is the first one I made. The one to the right is version two. The foam didn't come out so perfectly. Will try again tomorrow, time-willing.




They look wonderful to me too.

I so admire the fact you've managed to conquer doing these in foam latex as thats something I've never got the hang of. :clap
Hi Jess! I forgot to tell you that I purchased the conpiracy of the apes book through Amazon as a pre-order last week! I really like the cover and also the color of the binder itself! Great work on the Ape appliances by the way!:wave
The big daycare show was today, so the past few weeks/months have been about this show. Last minute many practice!!! It's over now! My life can get back to normal almost.

Going to try to run some foam latex. Today and tomorrow is it since Friday is the day to drive down. Luck, be a lady with me.

This photo was from Wondercon. Just received the photo yesterday. I'll try to do better with makeup for Comicon...

Wonder Con 2011 - 66 by Aduros, on Flickr

Action shot trying to get my foam latex together for Comicon:
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40 gun salute in Ape City! Perfect at last! (After the fifth time!). Too bad the other runs were a waste. It doesn't matter. One perfect one was worth it for to wash the foam latex and dry it, so that I can paint it up. Oh...I should also work on a new pair of chimp boots. Not sure I want to be tromping around in a low stacked heel all day when I could have tennis shoes inside chimp boots...



Replica this guy is offering, cast directly from the original screen-used prop


Pic of him holding one of the replicas, these are huge!


Pic of him wearing it for scale LOL. (This was a test casting using a charcoal colored/tented gel-coat. The actual castings I am offering will be cast in a blueish gel-coat)

If you are interested, the original thread is on the RPF: