Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Gaaahhh!! I haven't seen it yet and I probably won't for awhile. Still traveling and too far from Ape City.

I just found this photo of me. Every time I see a photo of my costume I feel the urge to upgrade it with real leather. I will probably re-sew the entire outfit as it will be easier to resew than to adjust the shoulder seams. And actually, I found a cloth that is more movie accurate in the sense that it is woven and not interlock, plus it's the right color, too. So many plans, not enough time!!

Zira from "The Planet of the Apes" by Sonia.Harris, on Flickr

Another fun shot, with the boys from Back to the Future. Man...some of the photos I am finding are just horrible. I guess you have to take the good with the bad...I am standing...they are kneeling.


Jungle--when you say, "You can count on it!" I hear you say that with Taylor's voice. Weird isn't it?
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As much as I love these films, I haven't owned them since VHS (I usually catch them on TV.) So I finally took the plunge and bought the BD collection for 40 bucks on Amazon. I'm on an Apes kick since the new movie, and I'm even considering picking up some of the old Sideshow figures (as if I need something ELSE to collect!)

Which would you guys say hold up the best?
It truly paid homage to the original film. All those references with the character names: Maurice, Buck, Cornelia, Jacobs, Franklin, Rodman, Dodge Landon, Bright Eyes, and probably some I missed. I'm not going to give away other things that refer to the original series of of films but there are a lot of things that reflect things that were in the original. gave away the big homage right after this...nice going d-bag! LOL

This is why I go see movies in their opening weekend; guys like you! LOL

As much as I love these films, I haven't owned them since VHS (I usually catch them on TV.) So I finally took the plunge and bought the BD collection for 40 bucks on Amazon. I'm on an Apes kick since the new movie, and I'm even considering picking up some of the old Sideshow figures (as if I need something ELSE to collect!)

Which would you guys say hold up the best?

Hold up how?
Monetary worth?

There wasn't really a breakage issue with the SS apes. so thats playability.
They usually go for more than SRP if you're going that way with them.
If you are just wondering which to start with? Then I'd go with a gorilla soldier and Dr Zaius. If you really want to kick off into 1:6 POTA I'd say go with the Hot Toys general Ursus.
I'd love the HT figures but will have to pass for the prices they go for. I wouldn't mind paying that much for a HT Taylor, Cornelius and Zira, but 250 for Ursus and some Gorilla extras is a no go.

What I meant was which Sideshow figures hold up the best in overall appearance compared to more recent figures? I know they aren't HT quality, but I don't expect that for the price. I really want a Taylor, but don't know which is the best to get. Can Slave Taylor's head be transplanted to a muscular HT body? If so, I may go with him.
I think that overall as far as apes, Sideshow's Cornelius holds up the best.

As for transplants I'm not too sure about a Taylor head being swappable with a muscular Hot Toys TT body being that it's a sculpted neck post. Sideshow's Taylor head has already a sculpted neck. Perhaps with minor tinkering a Taylor head could be put on a normal TT body and glued into place.

Besides, I don't think Taylor had much of a muscular physique in that film anyway.

My favorite Taylor is the Prisoner Taylor from Beneath but I hear that figure goes for CRAZY money now.
If diligent, you can sometimes find an HT gorilla going for close to its retail price. At that point its a must to snap up.

Transplanting a Taylor head onto a muscular HT body? First I'd have to echo - why? Its not Heston's type of physique and it would require a steady hand to slice the SS head along the jawline just right to make it viable.

You can sometimes find a beneath mutant fairly cheap and if going just for the simians I'd have to say gorilla for what you get. Although the colors/uniform aren't screen accurate so if thats the direction you're looking then I'd say Zaius.
While I agree Heston was pretty slimmed down by the time he did POTA, when I think of Heston in his prime; The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, he's pretty muscular. Not Arnold swoll, but broad-shouldered and in great shape. The Royce/Wolverine body is still closer to that Heston than the eyesore of a Buck body.

When I get some extra cash, I'll definitely try to get the slave set. Maybe Zira or Zaius to go with it. I'm happy Sideshow went as deep into the line as they did. Sure an Armando would be awesome, but they at least have most of the major characters covered.
While I agree Heston was pretty slimmed down by the time he did POTA, when I think of Heston in his prime; The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, he's pretty muscular. Not Arnold swoll, but broad-shouldered and in great shape. The Royce/Wolverine body is still closer to that Heston than the eyesore of a Buck body.

The option is, of course, yours, but I would never see using an HT muscular for Heston.
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I'd love the HT figures but will have to pass for the prices they go for. I wouldn't mind paying that much for a HT Taylor, Cornelius and Zira, but 250 for Ursus and some Gorilla extras is a no go.

What I meant was which Sideshow figures hold up the best in overall appearance compared to more recent figures? I know they aren't HT quality, but I don't expect that for the price. I really want a Taylor, but don't know which is the best to get. Can Slave Taylor's head be transplanted to a muscular HT body? If so, I may go with him.

I have some Apes that I would be willing to sell! Sideshow (2) Gorillas, Ursus, Taylor, Brent, and Mutant.
OMG guys I'm so excited. There was this one and only chair but I bought it anyway, as it was only $5. It's really a book end. I may find the other chair eventually. If not, I'm still happy. It's so very Planet of the Apes-like!!! I LOVE MY CHAIR!!


Guys Alex just posted his Virdon on Facebook.

Here's the freaksboard link:

And my friend in Korea made this page for me on his website, as he is a big apes fan. He'll edit it a bit more, as I don't live in Southern California. I told him to replace it with Ape City:

Oh thats wonderful. :D I simply adore the photo of you watering the garden. It seems like such an 'Zira' thing to do If you know what I mean.
Thnx Sue!! It's kind of weird to see yourself on one whole page on the internet if you're not the one that put it together. But I like it. You think I should ask him to remove my human photos?

Ironman--I purchased the book end at Ross. I'll try to visit two Ross stores today to see if I can find anymore.
But I like it. You think I should ask him to remove my human photos?

It depends how much you value your privacy I suppose. I mean did he ask your permission first?