I mounted a HT gorilla head (that i got from the awesome Darkness Predator) onto a sideshow body, with HT Ursus hands, custom Hasbro clothes and self-made (and crappy, until i find better material) gauntlets.
And here's Prefect Barlows chest piece. It's not perfect, but this is a guy with zero sewing ability, so I used fabric scissors and glue. Thanks for the material, Jess!
You convey action and a back story in your figure. It makes me imagine that Cap has been fighting with Virdon and Burke.
I know what you mean about sewing. My Star Wars customs have forced me to learn to sew.
But I also sew the sideshow gorilla guantlets to make them tighter. I turn the cone-shaped fabric inside out, sew along the edge then turn it back. You can apply the same technique to custom fabric guantlets.
Thanks for the tips. I'll probably try it out soon. My girlfriend has a sewing machine. Maybe she can teach me.
Welcome aboard, DeathlyFighter.
Edit: Yak....I was just checking out a picture of the actual HT captain and realized I need to paint up the belt and add the backpack. I know what I'll be doing tonight in between fixing up Law Givers "hair".
The latex gauntletts that are on my custom gorilla on ebay have the correct ridge pattern as in the movie. They look and work great for these figures! I do not know if Matt Sotis is still making them though!