Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Just a quick reminder. If anyone has any extra apes for sale, heads,costumes, please let me know. Customs are wanted as well.

Anything ape related

Lost my collection due to Sandy. Looking to jump start my collection.

Please pm me your items for sale..
Six, check your inbox.

Jess, awesome sculpt! He was actually someone I thought about trying so that I could say I sculpted something non-ape related. He was in Capt. America, wasn't he?

Gah, why are the clothes in Daryl Gregory's comic so complex? There's a lot of cool looking potential ape sculpts in that series, but the costumes are difficult to wrap my head around (which isn't saying much).

Nix is a definite. Alaya is easy enough sculpt-wise, but if I could find maybe a Barbie (?) doll dress that looks similar...that could be reworked....I'd be all set. Any ideas?


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Jungle is missing...or I am missing Jungle. Has anyone heard from him?

I'm not missing... You just couldn't see the Jungle for the trees...

We've been preparing for a possible move to Kfogs's neck of the woods. I'm sick of city living and have been considering a move close to "The Forbidden Zone". We are looking into Sedona Az, our trip there two summers ago was just unbelievable and the memories of it keep calling me.



Trying to piece together items from members on here to restart my ape collection. Do you have any time in the near future to make some outfits? Let me know, and I'll tell you what I need, and you can give me prices..

IM those look REALLY great! Buck needs a little more fluff around his middle though...he looks a little emaciated, because of the way his body is sculpted.

Sixx--I'm too busy to sew. I prefer to sculpt.
Jungle I was worried because you were out in the Forbidden Zone too long, especially because of Hurricane Sandy. Glad to know you are fine.
Hey IM! I sent you a PM and it said your inbox is full!
Yeah, I can't always keep up with it. Better off to email me.
IM those look REALLY great! Buck needs a little more fluff around his middle though...he looks a little emaciated, because of the way his body is sculpted.

Yeah, it looked a lot better when I was putting him together. Because of the way the head had to be drilled out it only fits certain figures. Now that I've gotten him this far I'm thinking of switching bods and just keeping the neck piece.
More pix and revisions to come......
IM, That 25th century Buck stuff is great.

A while back, I remember seeing info for new Buck Rogers figures ( My hopes were quickly dashed when I saw they were Mego scale (1/9) and not my prefered 1/6 scale.

Thanks for sharing.


The Zica versions only got as far as offering Buck and Tigerman. I must admit they are the best 1:9 mass produced figures I've ever seen. The attention to detail was beyond compare. Zica eventually had their Buck stuff bought up by Diamond Select. They have, in turn, apparently decided to sit on it in a warehouse somewhere and keep fans from having any further figures from the line.
I was also disappointed that they were not 1:6. However, I felt a little a bit better when I was able to get the 2up prototype heads for line. That is where my Buck originated. The rest will be forthcoming as well as many other Buck Rogers characters.
ah Sixx. so sad. :(
Hang in there.

Thanks DP for asking! I live 12 blocks away from the beach. So my house got trashed, and I found some of my apes floating away. we had to leave our house. four feet of water. I lost everything that I had to sandy that was ape related. some of it was water damage, the rest stolen. Just trying to start up again. I thought this would be a good place to start since I had alot of nice deals on here.

Thanks ~Pat
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