That was faken hellarious!! 
I hope SS doesn't cheap out on the Celtic Mask.

I hope SS doesn't cheap out on the Celtic Mask.
Haha thanks guys, glad you liked itI had a fun time making this actually, and I found out my camera has a cool "high speed film" slow motion record mode, which I used to capture the tire crushing the bio lol!
Hey Faken,
Clear your messages I'm trying to send you something.
Glad I helped you make that amazing video. I see what you mean about those lenses....I thought they had some 3D to it.....
You can find Better looking handmade Bios for less $$$$
WHY!, did you get that one for free???
Yes and no...I dont think that anyone has made a decent CP bio aside from the SS one. But yeah....they are kinda poopy. But hey, I'm getting a CP mask.