Yeah, if they insist on using these stupid "A" bases at least they could make them somewhat similiar in size. Personally I hate them and would rather have a simple plain base than a letter base.
are you really quoting yourself?
but I agree, these stupid letter bases suck. my guess this only helps to save time/money...and yet they keep jacking up prices.
Can I say donkey?I do think snadinator was out of line though.
How was I out line? I didn't make any attacks on any members. I stated an opinion that I think this piece looks terrible. Am I supposed to blindly love everthing Sideshow produces? Please.
the lack of tact on this board is the reason I check in about once a week now as opposed everyday like I used to.
It used to feel like a fun hangout, but over the last couple years has turned into preschool environment.
There are still a lot of cool freaks on here, but the immature children have multiplied massively....
I commend Mark for speaking up. One of the best in the biz...
How was I out line? I didn't make any attacks on any members. I stated an opinion that I think this piece looks terrible. Am I supposed to blindly love everthing Sideshow produces? Please. It's evident the focus is now the DC statues. The Marvel ones seem to be getting the B level treatment.
Expecting us to pay $350 for something that is subpar is infuriating and I have a right to feel that way. Nothing childish about that.
How was I out line? I didn't make any attacks on any members. I stated an opinion that I think this piece looks terrible. Am I supposed to blindly love everthing Sideshow produces? Please. It's evident the focus is now the DC statues. The Marvel ones seem to be getting the B level treatment.
Expecting us to pay $350 for something that is subpar is infuriating and I have a right to feel that way. Nothing childish about that.
The only lack of tact was calling me a name. If Mark works for SS, he should be more professional and consider client feedback. I have a right to express my opinion on this shoddy work.
Praising Sideshow for less than stellar work is a disservice to everyone as it promotes the notion that it's acceptable. The world doesn't need more fanboys.
whoever sculpted this should have known better and whoever approved the prototype should seek employment elsewhere.
Yes, you have a right to express your opinion. But decorum, a level of civility and rational thought eludes you.
I really wouldn't consider your comments the height of constructive criticism. Why would anyone take you seriously when you write this....
How about when I put it this way?
Prices have increased 25% in roughly a year. Quality control is down the toilet is almost an exact trend (see rogue, psylocke and ultron). Bases are uninspired and rehashed...
In my profession, if I increased my prices by 25% and offered subpar service, I'd be told far worse in some boardroom.
The artists are adults. Their business should accept client criticism and disastisfaction rather than either a) avoid the forums or b) call a client a derogatory name, potentially eliminating a client altogether.
This isn't getting mad about pocket change or some $20 trinket. This is a $350 collectible. It better look good. As I stated, I think the face is horrendous. A character that has been at the heart of every major cross-over in the Marvel Universe for the last decade should be given more attention.
I realize this boards major sponsor is Sideshow but accepting subpar work is not who I am. So that's the last you will hear from me on this matter, unless another member wishes to either call me names or make a personal attack.
But it is not fair to be so bluntly harsh with your views on actual artist that produces or sculpts these statues. They are not at fault.
I loved Storm's face sculpt (the EX) and I love the Scarlet Witch's, so now what do you have to say?
Really? And when is it that I posted that?
So, your theory that everyone hates them is wrong, and yet you still don't have anything valid or constructive to say. Shocker.