Scenes that make you cry

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This movie has one, if not the best, opening scenes in movie history. However, the part that gets me every time is one of Spielberg's best shot scene. No audio needed when Pvt. Ryan's mom is delivered the news about her sons' deaths. That is one emotionally strong scene. The actress in that roll nailed it. I have to watch this movie every time just for that. Damn it this movie got robbed.:banghead
The end of Peter Jacksons King Kong where he's being shot at and at the end he's just looking at Anne and at that moment dies and falls off the building.....guess thats just it for me oh and where they're playing in the snow then suddenly get bombareded, the music to that scene is awesome. guess thats why its so emotive too.
The end of Peter Jacksons King Kong where he's being shot at and at the end he's just looking at Anne and at that moment dies and falls off the building.

OMG!!!!!!!! i forgot about this to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2 The score in that part of the film :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
Mask...............when rusty dennis (cher) discovered her son had died in the night & put back all the thumbtacks onto the map & said he could go anywhere he wanted to now......:monkey2

I think I am glad I didn't see that one.

The most recent one was Marley and Me when Marley dies. Like the characters in that movie, my wife and I got a dog years before we had our daughter. We've had the dog 10 years now, and I know when our dog dies, it's going to very, very rough on both my wife and me. :monkey2 :monkey2

And too many others to list here. :monkey2

I forgot about Marley and Me

I had just lost a dog that looked a little like Marley...not a lot like, but a little. So that one got me.

And before I forget again...the final episode of Roseanne when the camera was panning around the table and Roseanne was talking about what really happened to everybody in real life and kept passing over Dan, who was being his normal jovial self...then it came back and he was gone and Roseanne talked about how he really died when he had his heart attack.
I haven't actually cried at a movie yet, and this makes me sad :monkey2:lol but I remember as a kid if my mom watched the lion king with me she'd have to turn her head when Mufasa dies or she'd start balling, but I don't blame her that part is sad as hell :lol
in John Q when Denzel is talking to his son and giving him a speech about life and how to treat the girls in his life right before he is going to give his heart to him:monkey2, me my brother and my best friend were tearing up in the theaters when that scene ended
Dumbo- The "Baby Mine" sequence.

Passion of the Christ- When he's carrying the cross and his mother is watching and has the flash back to when he was a child.

Braveheart- "Freedom"
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I cried just reading you guys' responses...geeze.

Here are my biggest tear-jerkers, although I've become immune to most of them now:

Titanic - Some of the sinking scenes are hauntingly beautiful, but the very last scene where Rose goes back to Titanic and sees all those who died, like her maid, the band, and Jack waiting for her at the clock always gets me.

A Walk To Remember - When Landon asks Jamie to marry him, despite the fact that she's dying of cancer. And then the rest of the movie.

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The Dark Knight
After Rachel has died, Alfred reads Rachel's letter.
Then he decides to keep it a secret

And then when the end credits come up and it says “In memory of our friends Heath Ledger & Conway Wickliffe“.
ET when ET "died" and when he was leaving earth
Star Trek II for Sopcks death

I was 9 years old for both in 1982

As an adult....hmmmm, I will have to think about it and try to remember if any movie made me cry.
My cousin sobbed at the end of Monsters Inc. It was kind of funny, she was about five years old or so when we watched the movie. After it was over the rest of the family went about their business and after a few minutes she starts bawling. We didn't know what was wrong with her since it was such a delayed reaction, but then she calmed down enough to tell us. :lol
I did tear up at the end of ROTK with Frodo says goodbye to the other Hobbits. I didn't outright cry or anything, but it did get to me a bit.
The endings to Cinema Paradiso and La Vita E Bella (Life Is Beautiful) :monkey2

And in Cinderella Man, when Russel Crow is in that fancy club asking his old friends for money.
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Anyone remember the original Lord of the Flies? When Piggy was killed, that really got to me. :monkey2

Schindler's List when they took the kids away.
A salty discharge lubricates my eyes every time I watch Hook.

Specifically when Captain Hook stabs Rufio.
Rufio: [after getting stabbed by Captain Hook] Do you know what I wish?
Peter Pan: What?
Rufio: I wish I had a dad... like you.