Scorpion problem in my house...

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Well, in short a really cool monster movie. I'd rank it up there with the Host (Netflix it if you haven't seen it or write that down). Ok, tonight's update...7 more dead scorpions. Total=20 dead motherfrakkers. Also talked to my neighbor and his wife threw a ____fit when she saw two of them in their house. So me and Louie (my neighbor) are going to Marvel Team Up and kick some ass. If it bleeds, we can kill it. Video camera tomorrow night. :rock

Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!
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I've said it before and i'll say it again, move up to the great white north .................. its colder than a mother____er up here so nothing can survive. ;)
Well, in short a really cool monster movie. I'd rank it up there with the Host (Netflix it if you haven't seen it or write that down). Ok, tonight's update...7 more dead scorpions. Total=20 dead motherfrakkers. Also talked to my neighbor and his wife threw a ____fit when she saw two of them in their house. So me and Louie (my neighbor) are going to Marvel Team Up and kick some ass. If it bleeds, we can kill it. Video camera tomorrow night. :rock

I got them mixed up but I saw both them :D
Update tonight, we ain't found ____! There was one but he was in a crevasse or creVASSE. I had knifey, wifey, blacklight flashlight, and camera in tow...with no luck. But there is always Thursday night...

Houston Is Under Attack...From Bedbugs

In case you haven't been paying attention, Houston is under attack from bedbugs. Of course, Hair Balls has never had to deal with these savage beasts because all the roaches in our apartment get to them before they can get to us, but we still wanted to share some interesting, if disgusting, tidbits, courtesy of Matthew Mishler, who works in the pest-control industry. He wants everyone to be more aware of this increasing problem, and to keep your eyes peeled for these suckers.

Bedbugs are vampiric fat-***** that can live for a year on your stored blood.

"When they're empty, they're flat, they're almost transparent. When they're full, they basically round up like a Tic-Tac -- not that big, but you get what I'm saying -- and they're blood-red. You squish 'em, there's blood. So they can drink three times the amount of their body weight. I've literally seen them in a Ziploc bag in our office for months.

Exterminators have apparently consulted Nazis and that dude from the Saw movies for exciting and sadistic new ways to kill the bastards.

"A roach, whenever you put down dust, a roach will go across it and he ingests it because he grooms itself. Well, a bedbug, the only thing he eats is your blood. He doesn't eat anything else. So they actually have this dust with glass particles in it, that as they go over it, it cuts their exoskeleton....[Another thing is] insects have a lot of wax...we use a method called heating. We can heat them up, the wax melts, and they bleed from the inside out. We also have this rapid-freeze."

Bedbugs are ninjas.

"[At night ] they know you're resting....What they do is, they come out from by the bed, under the bed, a light socket, and they actually come up to you and they rub a little anasthetic on you and then they stick you. So you don't feel it...that's why people don't know they are bitten. And then they start sucking.

They bone like rabbits.

"They lay three to five eggs per day. If you're could be bitten as much as 500 times a night and not know it."

Bebdugs don't clean up after themselves.

"Pull back the beds, look at the sheets...take the headboard off. Look at the headboard. Pull the drawers out in the cabinets and look there. What you'll see is _____ matter and then the husks."

OK, "husks" did it for us. We will never sleep again. God speed, Houston.

:horror :horror :horror :horror :horror
Alot of motels and hotels are infested with these mostly because of people bringing them in their suitcases from overseas. Best way to kill them is to freeze 'em.