SDCC '20 is cancelled, but list your top 10 Star Wars wants anyway

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Any idea on what (or how) we're going to get peeks at work-in-progress figures for online SDCC? Going to miss the annual Freaks gathering scrambling for blogger on-site pics.
I'd buy a Bill Burr figure just because it's Bill Burr; but that episode was probably my least favorite.

That wasn't my favorite episode but not my least favorite either. My least favorite was probably The Gunslinger. I thought the acting was really poor from Jake Cannavale (Toro) and Amy Sedaris (Peli).

Edit: I would also buy a Bill Burr figure just because it's Bill Burr.
Any idea on what (or how) we're going to get peeks at work-in-progress figures for online SDCC? Going to miss the annual Freaks gathering scrambling for blogger on-site pics.

Is there information on when the pics are supposed to drop? I would assume next week? The Star Wars display will be telling, as we have not had a preorder since May. Rex, a repaint, and repacked Vader.
I wonder if padme will make an appearance.
To be honest after nearly 4 years been lurking around here I have little, or even no enthusiasm at all of seeing new reveals at the Con. Or at the very least my initial reaction at the new prototypes being shown would be just "Cool" and that's it.
You will get Iron Man Vader disguise version and Spiderman Stormtrooper disguise. End of story!
I have given up any hope of lando. I bet we get him eventually, but I am hoping for anything ot that we haven?t seen before. Bonus points if it has a chance to actually get released.
Who really cares. They’ll show a whole lot of ****. We all will say our “oooosss and ahhhhhs” then they’ll never see the light of day (ie preorder)
Who really cares. They’ll show a whole lot of ****. We all will say our “oooosss and ahhhhhs” then they’ll never see the light of day (ie preorder)

That's how it starts, with "oohs and ahhhhs" and then there's the bitching and moaning. gb.jpg