Super Freak
AF, I read it on the Blastr feed on my app from Syfy on the iPhone.
So, the best thing to do is, if you are wanting to go to a popular panel, sit thru the panel or two before it. Bring some snacks and drinks. Room is air conditioned, which is nice
Reading the last few pages, I'm sure glad I'm a local. I'd go nuts coming to this thing! I can't wait for this party to hit!
2 years ago I sat through 4 or 5 panels to see the Iron Man 2 panel. I got in Hall H around noon and IM2 started around 4 or 5.
Well, I sat through the panels for 2012, Zombieland, Extract, and a couple others.
Well, I sat through the panels for 2012, Zombieland, Extract, and a couple others.
Bring a sweatshirt or a jacket if you'll be there for awhile though. It gets cold in there!
There's a Ralph's a couple blocks from the convention center. Go there to load up on water and snacks. PB&J FTW!
The panels are worth it- that's why we do it!
I don't know if I like anything enough to wait 4 or 5 hours for it.
The panels are worth it- that's why we do it!.
Announcement about the Freak Forum meet/greet will be posted this weekend. Many will be disappointed, some will be excited.
I'm sorry that it has to be so exclusive this year -but circumstances have forced us to make changes.