The Queen of Darkness
Is there going to be a Sideshow Freaks meet this year?
Firefly I am interested in knowing that as well.

Is there going to be a Sideshow Freaks meet this year?
Firefly I am interested in knowing that as well.
I am hoping this means you know some good news that will be filtering down soon.
I met some great Freaks last year. Sad that I won't be there this year. *kicks rock*
Let the camping to get into Hall H begin!
Currently on a recess in jury duty.
I just had to explain to the judge that missing my scheduled and paid for trip to San Diego for Comicon would present an undue hardship for jury duty. Trial expected to last 9 days, ending 7/16, while SDCC is from 7/11-7/15.
The worst excuse came from the dude next to me. Unemployed and attending jury duty would prevent him from looking for a job. WTF
Check out their new rules regarding that if you haven't already.
I don't think those rules are going to keep people from camping.
Hey freaks, I'm not able to make the Con this year. I am looking for a Hasbro Bruticus set if anyone can pick me one up I would be most grateful. Pm me if you can help. Thanks