That Hawkeye's a good idea, because it would be cheap, and it would sell. If Hot Toys thought if it, they would probably do it.
A real wishlist hope would be for:
-Zod from '78 Superman
-Magneto/Charles X-Men: First Class 2-pack with flight suits
-Kyle Reese/Sarah Connor T1 2-pack
I've taken to opening threads I'm not interested in because they're more likely to throw up a bad boyBut with no luck
That Hawkeye's a good idea, because it would be cheap, and it would sell. If Hot Toys thought if it, they would probably do it.
Shouldn't be too long and we should see their Convention Exclusives...
Wish list and predictions two different animals but I'll play. I know the design will be simple or a repaint so:
Wish list: 1 Marvel, 1 DC, 1 Random