SDCC Attendee Question

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tomandshell said:

Cheers, Dusty!! You just made my day!!! That is just what I wanted to hear. So I will order one each of everything on Thursday morning and then enjoy the rest of the weekend. Hooray!!


That's the plan for me as well. Makes Con a lot easier trust me.
I have an Attendee question, what do we need to pick up the pre-orders? I know the credit card, valid ID, and invoice I assume? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I am just to lazy and tired to look it up.
pixletwin said:
When will previewed items go on sale for us non-attendee freaks? :monkey2

Throughout the Con - Wednesday through Sunday. Anything with Priority or Inclusive ordering will be announced in advance of the actual pre-order going up live on the web, to give you time to prepare. :duff
Dusty- One more question, if I may:

Which part of the booth do we go to in order to place preorders for the new items? The same place where they are distributing the exclusives? The web team table? As crazy as the show is, I don't want to be going to the wrong place and bugging somebody whose job isn't to be taking my order. If I know which part of the booth to go to I will reduce the chances of my being a pest to a stressed out employee.

Almost game time! :rock

tomandshell said:
Dusty- One more question, if I may:

Which part of the booth do we go to in order to place preorders for the new items? The same place where they are distributing the exclusives? The web team table? As crazy as the show is, I don't want to be going to the wrong place and bugging somebody whose job isn't to be taking my order. If I know which part of the booth to go to I will reduce the chances of my being a pest to a stressed out employee.


You can go to the Exclusive pick-up area (which is the store-front with all the tables) or there will be people walking the floor with clipboards. We're all pretty helpful, so if you come up to a person who is not taking orders, we will be more than happy to point you in the right direction :duff
Thanks for asking these questions Tom and thanks for answering them Dusty!!! I have been busy packing and actually wondered about this today. I am getting soooooooo excited. I wish my plane was leaving earlier than 6:00 AM :lol