Wait wait wait. I buy statues and comics and I'm not a nerd. So there you go. But those that collect coins and stamps, yeah, they are nerds. Complete losers!!!
I think it's the whole public perception that people who collect comics just spend all their time reading them in the comic book shop and obsess over which super hero can beat up another and argue the merits about why [insert ANY Crisis event] was awesome/sucks balls. I don't do either, I have a hard enough time just keeping up with what's happening in the comic world (what, Cyclops is in jail?!).
I think as long as you're comfortable doing what you're doing, then it doesn't really matter what label you get stuck with. Just don't let it consume your life and you're good. If you've got comics and statues strewn all over the place, you need to clean that **** up. Chicks don't dig messy places. Have some pride in what you're doing and keep things organized. Chicks are intuitive; if you can't even organize your living space, then what does that say about your life?