I hope you do too Josh
I think I may pass on this Piece
Just my opinion, but I think SS with their sneak peeks leave us with a "catch 22" situation. On the one hand they provide us a small glimpse of what is to come, but in doing so, they also allow us enough time for our imaginations to run wild. And unfortunately, rarely does the end product meet the expectations of our wildest dreams.
As for the price, yes $350 is alot of money, and no there's not alot of weathertop in this dio., but there are 6 figures....ok 5 1/2. Sure the Helm's Deep dio. for $50 less features 3 characters and a very nice base, but that's still half the amount of characters in this one. So there's the compromise...alot more figures [guaranteeing the accuracy of the scene] but not much in the way of a detailed base. Something I can certainly live with.
Like a few of you i have mixed feelings and considering the price will most likely let this pass and hold onto the thought that a Ringwraith PF is lurking just around the next corner.
(Senses malice heading towards this post)
Put into words exactly how I feel, which appeals to the laziness in me
Thanks Woodsy![]()
Well as long as one of us said it. Looks like we made the right call concerning Frodo on a separate base......
Just what I was thinking when I saw the pics this morning...we clearly rock![]()
I'm just glad that I still like this piece, I think the problem that alot of people are having is that this is not what was expected...but I will say that having frodo as a seperate piece will make the Reg. of this far less redundant then was predicted beforehand IMO, simply because there isn't a space on the base where Frodo would have been
Now how can I possibly disagree with a statement like that ?![]()
I agree. Having a large empty space in front of the ringwraiths just wouldn't have looked right.
I admit like the rest to being surprised that there wasn't more base to it. The picture though of them from the side going after Frodo just hit me like a mack truck.
I agree right back. I think SS have been a smart making the Frodo completely seperate for that reason alone
I think you're wrong. Sideshow should have never put Frodo as an exclusive. He just has to be part of the diorama. Making him an exclusive is just very odd. It's like having two Uruk's standing on the walls of Helm's Deep and put Aragorn there as the exclusive. It doesn't make any sense.
The base should have been in one piece, with Frodo there. Not two seperate pieces of "rock". It looks ridiculous. I'm sure they could have come up with something else for the exclusive. Or just don't put any exclusive in there at all. There has never been a diorama of LotR that had an exclusive and nobody ever complained.
I think you're wrong. Sideshow should have never put Frodo as an exclusive. He just has to be part of the diorama. Making him an exclusive is just very odd. It's like having two Uruk's standing on the walls of Helm's Deep and put Aragorn there as the exclusive. It doesn't make any sense.
The base should have been in one piece, with Frodo there. Not two seperate pieces of "rock". It looks ridiculous. I'm sure they could have come up with something else for the exclusive. Or just don't put any exclusive in there at all. There has never been a diorama of LotR that had an exclusive and nobody ever complained.