Super Freak
What a cruel, rotten, and ignorant thing to say...
Everyone SHOULD breastfeed if they can,
because it is nature's design, that is the way that humanity and every other mammal evolved by. The validity of breastfeeding is beyond question across all mammals.
The problem is that people have bought into the marketing of the formula companies to believe that there is no difference between breastfeeding and formula, all so that formula companies can make more money, at the expense of human health.
Because breast milk can be put into bottles to be used in situations when the mother can't breastfeed the baby, you can have bottle feeding without using formula.
No technology will ever be better than breast milk for babies. Any idea to the contrary is motivated by profit and a misunderstanding of the perfection of breast feeding.
this leads people to use formula out of convenience or vanity because they had breast implants and therefore cannot breast feed.
As I said, if there is a real reason why a mother cannot produce enough healthy milk, only then should alternatives be sought out. To not breastfeed when one can is basically a form of child neglect, if not child abuse. It is to willfully neglect a woman's fundamental obligation to be a good mother. Any woman who could do it who would not should never get pregnant.
By the same token, anyone who doesn't have it in them to do everything that is best to raise a healthy child should not have children.
Poor people can't afford to have children.
Speaking of people who don't have it in them to raise children properly, this brings us back to the original story of this thread. The parents of this person really had no business having children. They were incompetent and clearly unwilling to commit 100% to good parenting. They did not know how to parent, and should have refrained from having any until such time as they were if they ever could be.
Damn I am so sick of reading your smug, self-righteous, condescending bull****. Do you even have kids to be able to judge others on their parenting skills? And saying that women who don't breast feed are child abusers is ****ing stupid and pathetic. It's a new low for you. I wish I had the fortitude to block you but my damn curiosity to see what stupid **** you post next won't allow me to. Here's to you posting something so revolting that I can finally stop being a "no forum members blocked" virgin.Everyone SHOULD breastfeed if they can, because it is nature's design, that is the way that humanity and every other mammal evolved by. The validity of breastfeeding is beyond question across all mammals.
If a woman cannot breastfeed, then she should do the best she can.
The problem is that people have bought into the marketing of the formula companies to believe that there is no difference between breastfeeding and formula, all so that formula companies can make more money, at the expense of human health.
Because breast milk can be put into bottles to be used in situations when the mother can't breastfeed the baby, you can have bottle feeding without using formula.
No technology will ever be better than breast milk for babies. Any idea to the contrary is motivated by profit and a misunderstanding of the perfection of breast feeding.
this leads people to use formula out of convenience or vanity because they had breast implants and therefore cannot breast feed.
As I said, if there is a real reason why a mother cannot produce enough healthy milk, only then should alternatives be sought out. To not breastfeed when one can is basically a form of child neglect, if not child abuse. It is to willfully neglect a woman's fundamental obligation to be a good mother. Any woman who could do it who would not should never get pregnant.
By the same token, anyone who doesn't have it in them to do everything that is best to raise a healthy child should not have children.
Poor people can't afford to have children.
Speaking of people who don't have it in them to raise children properly, this brings us back to the original story of this thread. The parents of this person really had no business having children. They were incompetent and clearly unwilling to commit 100% to good parenting. They did not know how to parent, and should have refrained from having any until such time as they were if they ever could be.
What a cruel, rotten, and ignorant thing to say...
I said breastfeeding vs formula feeding. I mentioned that bottle feeding can be done with breastmilk in it.Who the hell do you think you are saying that if someone chooses an alternative to breast feeding it's child neglect.
I was gonna stay out of this as I always look upon your posts as mostly a pompous and judgemental diatribe of glossing everyone into a category or tarring everyone with the same brush, that is those that don't agree with what YOU think is best.
Quite frankly a woman can breast feed if she wants to, she is in no way under any obligation as a mother to do just that and is certainly not neglecting her child if she chooses a bottle over breast.
At the end of the day, if the child is fed, happy, loved and looked after - that is all that should matter. That is being a good mother (imo)
This last statement of yours about calling non-breast feeding is tantamount to child neglect has to be one of the most judgemental, ludicrous and down right ignorant thing you have ever posted, that I've seen so far (tho I don't always read your essay posts as they tend to bore me like a preacher does).
Get off your high horse for once and accept that all people are different and will act as they seem fit. Just because you don't agree with it and can spout off facts from Wiki at the drop of a hat, doesn't mean you should disrespect anyone by forcing your opinions on anyone.
What was this thread about again?, oh yeah a tragedy - not lectures on the necessity of breastfeeding and judging those women who don't.
Please just give it a rest, you have an opinion, we get it - don't be forcing it on others.
Damn I am so sick of reading your smug, self-righteous, condescending bull****. Do you even have kids to be able to judge others on their parenting skills? And saying that women who don't breast feed are child abusers is ****ing stupid and pathetic. It's a new low for you. I wish I had the fortitude to block you but my damn curiosity to see what stupid **** you post next won't allow me to. Here's to you posting something so revolting that I can finally stop being a "no forum members blocked" virgin.
What a cruel, rotten, and ignorant thing to say...
Not as cruel, rotten and ignorant as saying that formula is just as good as breastmilk. If people CAN'T breastfeed, then I understand how someone would formula feed. You have to do the BEST you can.
The BEST you can when you CAN breasfeed is to breastfeed.
Apparently you don't believe that parents should do the BEST they can.
Second best is good enough for you, and you can even call second best, best, to rationalize doing second best.
Suicide. Facebook. Breastfeeding..........k.
Words that mean nothing.
I've moved on from breastfeeding. I'm talking about how you dare lay blame for this girl's suicide on her parents. I'm not going to explain why it's despicable. I'm familiar enough with your rationalizations to know you are impervious to reason.
There is nothing wrong with bottle feeding babies. Ever. The standard of what is best, that you are invoking, is arbitrary, hence irrelevant. These laws of nature you claim such faithfulness to are not rules. Breastfeeding is good. It is not necessary. If it is not necessary for one (women who cannot nurse), it is necessary for none. Plenty of people have taken pains to explain why this is, to you, but you would rather pontificate and condemn.
If only everyone would obey your wisdomn the world would be painless, sinless and perfect, huh? You who speak for nature, and its God who made the rules, right? Fortunately for the rest of us, nature is not the tyrant you wish it were. That's just you, projecting yourself on the universe. Nature does not have your sense of vindictiveness. Nature didn't give us (so to speak) choice so that we could use morality as a scourge. It gave us choice so that we could live independently of the boundaries we evolved from. It gave us choice so that we could live lives that were best for each of us, as individuals. It gave us the freedom to use our world in a way that makes us happy. It gave us the ability to know so that we could change it according to our own values.
It gave us none of this so that we could take what we got and live with whatever scraps our short lives threw down from the table. It gave us none of this so that we could be egoless slaves to inertia.
You do not speak for nature. You know nothing, and it shows.