Super Freak
^nah, they become neck chokers. LOLz
Breastfeeding zealots are even worse in person than in Facebook. Try telling a La Leche League nazi in the maternity unit that you've decided to bottle feed your newborn. I'd recommend arming yourself first ... because they're not leaving unless you put 'em on a stretcher.
I fully support breastfeeding 100 Percent. (but only because I get to see ****s in public)
At least you're honest.![]()
You tamper with human survival, undermining the mechanism of nature as if your ego knows better than tens of thousands of years of human evolution.
If breastfeeding isn't possible, you do what you can, but suggesting that a bottle is as good as breastfeeding is absurd.
Even your argument about the health and bonding of your children isn't scientific, because you don't know how much better off they would have been had they been breastfed even in your particular situation.
Bottlefeeding in lieu of breastfeeding is to play God as if somehow you or the inventors of formula understand a baby's nutritional needs as well as nature for tens of thousands of years. It is arrogant and short sighted.
The argument you make is so ludicrous, illogical and without long term proof, that it has no real merit.
You tamper with human survival, undermining the mechanism of nature as if your ego knows better than tens of thousands of years of human evolution.
If breastfeeding isn't possible, you do what you can, but suggesting that a bottle is as good as breastfeeding is absurd.
Even your argument about the health and bonding of your children isn't scientific, because you don't know how much better off they would have been had they been breastfed even in your particular situation.
Bottlefeeding in lieu of breastfeeding is to play God as if somehow you or the inventors of formula understand a baby's nutritional needs as well as nature for tens of thousands of years. It is arrogant and short sighted.
The argument you make is so ludicrous, illogical and without long term proof, that it has no real merit.
Welcome to the very first truely **** generation of people.
You know how forever people were like this new generation sucks. For the first time ever it really is true.
This generation grew up on the internet and has no social interaction skills. They don't know how to deal with or talk to real people so they have no connection to them or feeling for them. They don't care about anyone but themselves and see everything in life as a contest to outdo everyone else who shows off on social media. Music has no meaning anymore at all, even the rap people hated in the 90s told a story. Now acceptable lyrics are "*** and *******, *** and *******" for 4 minutes straight. Movies are remakes of everything with way less heart and soul. You get famous by being simply being naked in public or doing a porn and than we put that person on television and envy their life of arguing over whos cell phone or fake **** are better. Idiocracy is coming true and it isn't funny.
so sad to read about things like this. What a waste. I can't believe children on this generation use facebook and youtube as their means of espressing themselves. They lack social interpersonal interaction.
And what is up with using cards with writings on youtube? I swear this generation has used more cue cards than anyone.
I'm so sick of that whole breastfeeding thing. Sick of the debate. I'm sorry, but you don't need to walk through a store breastfeeding your kid. You don't need to be doing it at the table at a restaurant either.
I could go on, but I'll shut up.![]()
Like I said originally, they won't leave unless you put 'em on a stretcher. There's little utility in arguing with zealots. Apparently "save your evangelism for a more welcoming audience [...] I've heard it before, and I don't care" was more vague than I anticipated.
I don't need a scientific study to know that my kids are happy, healthy, top-of-their-class intelligent, and as bonded with their mother as any could ever hope to be. That's all the proof I need to know that women who don't breastfeed for whatever reason need not take a beating and have their mothering questioned by know-it-all lactation evangelists.
Formula-feeding is no more arrogant or short-sighted than is any advancement in childbirth or infant care. There's a reason death during childbirth and infant mortality are lower now than in past centuries ... and lower in the first world than in the third. Those "mechanisms of nature", when not "messed with", aren't always the panacea that you imagine. My wife needed c-sections and couldn't breastfeed ... so I know for a fact how much worse off we'd have been without medical advancements in childbirth and infant formula. They'd all have likely died in earlier millenia. "Mechanisms of nature" can be quite the heartless *****.
I'm not playing God. I'm being Dad. Parent your own kids, if you have any ... and, if you don't, spare me the pee wee league parenting advice.
The kind of argument you know intimately.
Formula was developed as a surrogate for breast milk. Some are crap. Some are not. The difference is negligible.
**** off with your god, k? There isn't one (unless you'd like to produce some kind of ludicrous, illogical argument with neither long, nor short term proof, upon which to construct your horse**** edifices), and your proselytizing has long since begun to border upon elitist bigotry. You want to talk about arrogance, I dare you to cast another stone.
Like I said originally, they won't leave unless you put 'em on a stretcher. There's little utility in arguing with zealots. Apparently "save your evangelism for a more welcoming audience [...] I've heard it before, and I don't care" was more vague than I anticipated.
I don't need a scientific study to know that my kids are happy, healthy, top-of-their-class intelligent, and as bonded with their mother as any could ever hope to be. That's all the proof I need to know that women who don't breastfeed for whatever reason need not take a beating and have their mothering questioned by know-it-all lactation evangelists.
Formula-feeding is no more arrogant or short-sighted than is any advancement in childbirth or infant care. There's a reason death during childbirth and infant mortality are lower now than in past centuries ... and lower in the first world than in the third. Those "mechanisms of nature", when not "messed with", aren't always the panacea that you imagine. My wife needed c-sections and couldn't breastfeed ... so I know for a fact how much worse off we'd have been without medical advancements in childbirth and infant formula. They'd all have likely died in earlier millenia. "Mechanisms of nature" can be quite the heartless *****.
I'm not playing God. I'm being Dad. Parent your own kids, if you have any ... and, if you don't, spare me the pee wee league parenting advice.
Well said. I don't bother responding to nonesense. Thanks for doing it.![]()
It's awesome to hear this from a woman. I almost got stoned when I said this in a restaurant a while ago. I'm not opposed to it, but there are places that it is not appropriate in front of other people. And I definitely don't want to look up to see this whir I"m eating dinner.
I can't, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't know about breastfeeding.
The fact that some women can't breastfeed doesn't mean that breastfeeding isn't the best way to feed a baby. It just means that they can't do it.
Not everyone can do things the best.
Breastfeeding is how human beings have been raised for thousands of years, and it would be unwise to tamper with human evolution or tamper with long term survival by feeding from a bottle of fortified cow's milk, or even soy milk if the teat is available, and a mother can produce wholesome milk.
What you know is what you can find on the internet.
This whole idea that bottle feeding kids makes them retarded or less likely to amount to anything pisses me off, and I was breast fed.
Breast feed your kid all you want, but let others decide what's best for them. It's no one's business, but breastfeeding your 2 or 3 year old in the middle of the store makes it everyone's business.
It's awesome to hear this from a woman. I almost got stoned when I said this in a restaurant a while ago. I'm not opposed to it, but there are places that it is not appropriate in front of other people. And I definitely don't want to look up to see this whir I"m eating dinner.
I knew about the importance of breastfeeding before the internet.
Retarded is a strong word, which would have a relative meaning. Retard growth? Considering that formula would lack human growth hormone that breastmilk has, yes, it would retard growth.
How much? Very difficult to say. I don't know. However, since breast milk has growth hormone and always has, to not provide it would logically retard growth. It would have to. How much is another question. If no breast milk is available, needless to say you do what you can. What I object to is the idea that there is no difference between breast milk and formula. It is unscientific and totally false.
It formula is soy based, it won't cause type 1 diabetes, but it still isn't as good as breastmilk. It's much CLOSER to the nutrition of breastmilk than anything else, because it was DESIGNED to approximate breastmilk. The genuine article is almost always best. That is especially true of breast milk. Formula is an impostor, worse than a recast of a Sideshow statue.
Less likely to amount to ANYTHING? The spirit can overcome much with enough determination. Being bottle fed won't prevent someone from amounting to anything, but logically, it would make it more difficult.
As far as breastfeeding in public, I think discretion is important.
However, if a baby is hungry in public and needs food, to not breastfeed is worse than breastfeeding. It says something about society that breastfeeding in public, or even viewing it at all is viewed as unsightly. Perhaps it is a result of the marketing strategy of the formula companies.
Should a mother breastfeed at home instead? Certainly. However, perhaps the mother needs to go out to the store or for some vital errand. To penalize a woman for breastfeeding in public is fascist.
It might also be a result of the unnatural shame put on sexuality, or anything perceived as such. There should be nothing taboo about breastfeeding in public. As a society, if we are to support the healthiest population, breastfeeding in public should be accepted by all who claim to have a vested interest in the well being of humanity.
No technology will ever be as good as a mechanism made by nature for a specific purpose, ever. There will never be a formula as good as breastmilk. This is because the human intellect is limited, and will always miss something from the formula. Many vital nutrients oxidize quite quickly, and so if you could develop formula, there would need to be preservatives in it, which by themselves would be harmful.
All food preservatives are harmful, except to the profits of food companies, or unless you NEED EMERGENCY food stores to help you survive in a crisis.
Fresh is always best...
Formulas can be excellent baby nutrition, but breastmilk is inherently PERFECT baby nutrition.
Of course, perfect is better than excellent.
Speaking of nonsense, it seems you share that yourself. NONEsense.![]()
I'm using their words. That kids that are bottle fed are less intelligent and unhealthy and some use the word retarded.
No one is saying they shouldn't breast feed. They just shouldn't be telling others that don't that they should.