Re: Anyone like SouthPark???..Shells drawings and stuff..
Okay, so at midnight last night (my time) I had this typed out, but forgot to post it,

Here goes:
SHELL!!!!!!! Glad to see you back!!!!!
Never seen this thread until now! Amazing stuff. Really awesome! Keep us updated on everything and thanks for sharing.
When are you going to do some Buffy stuff?!?
Thanks so very much Chap, I really appreciate it.
As for Buffy stuff....see further down.

PS- If you have any better pics of the demon on the second pic, please let me know as I can only find a couple online. Thanks pal.
These look wonderful Shell! I never knew you were an artist!

I too hope you continue with your artwork. Even though it is causing pain, it is so positive mentally, emotionally, etc... Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
Thanks Jen, that's really nice of you to say but I wouldn't call me an artist, I was many years ago, just now I'm kind of re-discovering what I can do, if that makes sense

I am definately gonna try and keep going, I'm quite enjoying myself at the mo, I hope it lasts!.
I'm happy you like them honey.
Hi Shell! I'm so glad that you're drawing, again and it's good to hear that you are getting better. Panda looks great!
Hi Allison

Thank you, so much. This distraction of drawing is helping stopping me from cracking up completely so it's a welcome distraction.
I'm glad you like Po, he's my favourite too, those I did today were just playtime experiments, what pencils can be used on what paper etc.
I've decided though for the moment I'm gonna stick with my pencil sketches as they seem best suited for my only sketchbook and it's my favourite style anyway.
I will try the other pencils when I'm more confident in drawing again, and can buy the stuff I need.
Thanks again.
Thanks so very much to each and everyone of you,it really does mean a lot you encouraging me, thank you.
Ok, when first saw this message and the text from Chapter (thank you!) and I suddenly wanted to draw the Angel Puppet, I know it's not from BTVS but it's still in the verse (was my excuse) and I just had to.
Now bear in mind I've already had my sleepy tabs a little while ago so am a little woozy. ...dangerous in charge of pencils

- my brother would be terrified, he's scared of pencils, pencil-phobia, lol.
It took me about hour and half to sketch these minimal outlines and will suit for now but they will be fully finished soon.
wee puppet man Angel with Flash:
While I was at it, I thought of doing this too, see if you can recognise it:
Whith Flash:
Without flash:
These are just the beginnings for these two.I just had to try draw something after Chap mentioned the Verse.
So here we go, these are my next two pieces and will be finished completely by pencil.
Very woozy, need to lay down now.
I'll keep you post