Super Freak
Re: Anyone like SouthPark???..Shells drawings and stuff..
Shell I love Love love what you did with happy feel, the light touch of colour is fabulous. you are belting out some amazing work. Watership Down is incredible. Watched it recently, still so sad to me. you captured the expressions perfectly
Shell I love Love love what you did with happy feel, the light touch of colour is fabulous. you are belting out some amazing work. Watership Down is incredible. Watched it recently, still so sad to me. you captured the expressions perfectly
Wow, what a compliment, thank you. I'm glad you like them as I'm certainly enjoying drawing them.
Someone asked me about my shadowing once, I haven't really considered it as it's just the way I draw but at the time I told her not to be afraid to use what I call the 'big pencils' (6,7,8,9B) cos you can get some great effects when used with the lighter pencils or even none at all. She was well happy as she told me after a while of her practising she found it helped her work too.
She was a great drawer in her own right but started loving the big pencils too rather than being scared of them.
Hope that helps a little, my work is FAR from perfect, I just have always enjoyed pencil/sketch work but i'm thrilled by your comment, thanks again.
Thank you Snoops. I'm not happy with the Robots sketches myself, I am a very picky bugger when it comes to my work, but I'm happy someone likes them
I've always loved Watership Down so those sketches aswell as Po, are my favourites so far, well maybe include mumble in that (see below)
Here we have it, the finished piece and now I can't move.
It was fun to do, a few things wrong with it but it's done now so will have to do.
Hope you guys like it.
I just realised that he looks like he's doing the crane kick, lol. I got this image from the front of my DVD cover but just looked at it again and it reminded me of The Karate Kid, hee hee.