Shin Kamen Rider is a 2023 Japanese superhero film directed and written by Hideaki Anno. Produced to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Kamen Rider, it is the third reboot of a tokusatsu series to be adapted by Anno, following Shin Godzilla and Shin Ultraman. (from wiki)
Medicom already taking pre-orders for their 1/6 scale figures and the motorcycle.
And.. there is one from Virtual Toys without proper license - Shadow Rider..
And today Threezero announced their version
I heard the movie is doing OK, and I have more choices to choose from now
Medicom already taking pre-orders for their 1/6 scale figures and the motorcycle.
And.. there is one from Virtual Toys without proper license - Shadow Rider..
And today Threezero announced their version
I heard the movie is doing OK, and I have more choices to choose from now