I don't mean to be rude, but your wrong about the sculpture of the accuracy of the head, or the rest of the body for that matter. The overall sculpture is based off Takayuki Takeya's Alien pile sculpture that was originally made in 1992 for the cover of Hobby Japan. The molds for this kit kept showing up from time to time, sometimes as a single alien, some times as pile kit. The sculpture of the Hot Toys Alien warrior is not casted from this kit, but I'd be willing to bet that gentleman who sculpted it had a few of these photographs near by him as he made it. If you have one of these figures, compare it with the the photographs of the articulated puppet that appear in The Winston Effect book, pages 88, 89, or for a close up of the head, page 75. If you would be so kind to humor me for the moment? If you own one of these, place the figure (I will not be so vulgar as to use the word "doll".) in front of these photos in Winston's book, side by side, the first thing you'll see is that the detail on the creatures head is completely different. Not just the detail itself but the placement of it as well as the proportion of the entire head. The top of the head is similar but not the same. As for the sides of the head, a complete lack of the famous Giger ribbed tubing we have all come to know and love. This rubbed tubing is somehow lacking from the latter Alien movie monsters, the conceptual artists opting instead for a more mutated organic look that I personally detest, but we will not go into that now. If hot Toys sold this figure as Alien Warrior Takeya version, I do not think that any one would of had a problem with this, even though it is not an accurate representation of Takeya's alien either. The problem with what they did is make something that is only vaguely looks like the creature that was in the movie, and then tried to sell it as the genuine article. Why they did this is a misery to me, I had ordered one of these until I saw what the actual figure looked like, than canceled it. I find myself doing this with Hot Toys more and more these days. Maybe the sculptor decided the since they change the look of the monster in every movie, that the fans would like a different interpretation of the design. I'll give you an example of what they did. Lets say, for arguments sake when the made the Terminator endoskeleton, instead of working from reference photographs and making something that looked like the picture, they decide that skeletons do not have right angles in natures, so the sculptor rounds all of them off. And then at some point they start making even more changes, thinner arms, smaller feet, get rid of those hydraulic pistons in the groin area. And by the time the are finished, the robot is a gold color, because someone in the research department decided that the actual robot would have to be made out of some light weight metal like titanium. Now for the issue of the quality of the figure itself, when you mass produce something like this, it is impossible to check the quality of each and every piece produced. However I do thing that if you purchase one of these and you get a defective product, they should replace it for free.