all HT figures sell out eventually because they're smart about production runs and they know their market. even stupid Prison Break eventually sold out. but, go right ahead and argue that Predator is a big license like Batman and Iron Man and HT makes Predator a priority over them. i dare you. the fact that HT is willing to do remakes of huge franchise characters says otherwise. Predator just isn't worth the investment and neglect of bigger licenses to do that. most preds aside from exclusives took forever to sell out too.You gotta be kidding me. So far every Pred they have made has been sold out over and over. They make HUGE profits in Predator merchandise.
more silly hypotheticals. that's like saying Apple should go out of business because they make everything practically obsolete as soon as it hits the shelves. doesn't work that way. you wanna talk about customer/brand loyalty...And do HT benefit from the secondary market? Oh yea they do. They produce limited items, which increases the value of their merchandise over a short time, which increases interests in collectors into buying all of them stuff. Hell, some people out there purchase Hot Toys just to flip them knowing that the value of MOST of their figures are guaranteed to increase. thus it brings them more customers and they kep a long list of loyal customers. Now say if HT just made and remade all of their stuff over and over, all of they're stuff would decrease in value over time. Then collectors will stop hunting for HT figures, and their long time loyal customers will stop buying their stuff feeling betrayed.
And the Dark Knight DX line was a punch in the face but it was made almost immediately after the regular line was made. I am clueless about anything PotC related so I can't and won't argue with you on that part.
I just hope the T-800 and the classic pred get released again
By Classic you mean P1?
Redo as in make a whole new version, yes. Re-rease the same ol same ol cause some cheap ass kids who couldn't save there $5 a week allowance for taking out the trash, no.
Not sure I agree with you about Predator. If it were such an 'on the side' license for them would they really bother with each and every film and with the exception of most of the P2 losties, every single individual Predator.
like nam said, the box office pretty much reflects the merchandising.Sure the Batman and Iron Man films were more successful but haven't the figures been equally successful between these franchises?
all HT figures sell out eventually because they're smart about production runs and they know their market. even stupid Prison Break eventually sold out. but, go right ahead and argue that Predator is a big license like Batman and Iron Man and HT makes Predator a priority over them. i dare you. the fact that HT is willing to do remakes of huge franchise characters says otherwise. Predator just isn't worth the investment and neglect of bigger licenses to do that. most preds aside from exclusives took forever to sell out too.
more silly hypotheticals. that's like saying Apple should go out of business because they make everything practically obsolete as soon as it hits the shelves. doesn't work that way. you wanna talk about customer/brand loyalty...
Even taking account of only HT figures? Iron Man is a newb HT license compared to Predator. Sure they've made a lot of figures from it in a short time but so has there been for Predator. Both have figures that have sold through and soared in value, both have had figures that have stuck around at first retail. In the grand scheme of things sure Batman and Iron man own Predator but I'm not so sure about the higher end taken by itself and isn't that the only thing we're concerned with here?
ah I didn't think of edition sizes. So be it.
Predator's d!cks are bigger than Batman/Joker d!cks, that's pretty much what it boils down to
Everyone knows that.