Should I keep my collection... Help!

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Super Freak
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Sunny Manchester, Jolly UK
Just sat in work mulling over some things, bill,s bank holiday pay, reletivity, y'know, general mulling

and i started to think about my Hot Toys collection and how much I've spend, then I thought about my scotch collection and how much I've spent

and it struck me, i actually drink and enjoy my whisky on a more regular basis than i do anything with my Hot Toys, there's that moment of excitement when i get it and then it's put on display in my loft conversion and only seen when i go back up with the next figure

I'm not concerned about rising prices or Hot Toys 'pricing customers out' - even if the figures were cheaper i'd still be asking myself these questions

I'm trying to weigh up the cost vs the value to me and i'm struggling to match it up, do i collect because i enjoy it, or am i just being obsessive about it?

Has anyone else ever had this thought or am I just being crazy?
What can I say, it is only for YOU to decide if you want to collect at all or drink your whiskey. Collecting is about someone enjoying doing that (and of course trying not to be too OCD). When the joy of collecting is gone, I see no reason to keep collecting anymore. In the end is your decision alone.
I've had this feeling before, you look around ant think is it worth it? Do i really need these? And so on.

Since then i restrict myself to ones i know will keep my interest in years to come and to not accumilate the ones that look great but are 'of the moment'
*NB4 Anchor Man*

Well if money is not an issue then how about you just officially retire your collection, stop buying any new releases, that way you can keep both.
You only see them when you go to the loft with the next figure and you only enjoy them when you open the box... sounds like a big waste of money to me :dunno
You only see them when you go to the loft with the next figure and you only enjoy them when you open the box... sounds like a big waste of money to me :dunno

I was thinking the same thing...

I know if i keep one then i'll want more, it may be that perhaps they're in a room that isn't used much right now

I could feel different if they more visable, hmmmmmm

I might try to focus my collection to a specific set of figures
I was thinking the same thing...

I know if i keep one then i'll want more, it may be that perhaps they're in a room that isn't used much right now

I could feel different if they more visable, hmmmmmm

I might try to focus my collection to a specific set of figures

It seems collecting hot toys has to be a perpetual thing for alot of people.

As in, if they stop collecting they feel the need to not keep any they bought previously aswell
It is a vey personal decision. No one can advise you what is best for you, but we can perhaps tell you the types of decision we make.

Personally, I have a pretty limited income and very limited space. I also have other, expensive hobbies. There will therefore always be many more things that I would like than I could possibly buy or accommodate. Every purchase I make therefore has to be justified, in terms of "Would I kick myself if I didnt get this?" If I think I would be filled with remorse at not having grabbed something and I have the disposable for it, I go for it. If I believe I could happily live without it, I save my money for something I would enjoy more.

And this process isn't over when they arrive. My figures and other stuff has to pass a regular could-I-live-without-it test. Many fail and get sold. That frees up space and money for things that would give me more pleasure.

I am not saying that you should go through this tortuous process. It sounds as though you have more space and money than I do. But it does sound as though you are asking yourself similar questions, in terms of allocating your income to things you enjoy more.

The bottom line is, if it gives you pleasure and doesn't disrupt your life in any way by continuing with it, why stop?
I just started my collection of hot toys but I have definitely had these same feelings about my Lego and DCUC collection. I am going to attemp to keep the hot toys buying under control but I keep asking myself where am I going to display all of this stuff since I am only 35 and my basement is already full and I am pretty sure the wife will not allow my collection to make its way upstairs. I have years and years of collecting in front of me with space becoming a premium guess at some point I will have to consider selling some of it.
If you're this conflicted about it, it probably means you're ready to move on and just hanging on out of habit. Sell it all and don't look back.
maybe try relocating them to a space you would see them more, if youre still conflicted box them up and put them away, if you dont miss them then maybe its time to sell
if youre still conflicted box them up and put them away, if you dont miss them then maybe its time to sell

This actually worked really well for me.

I thought about selling my entire collection a few years ago, but decided to narrow it down little by little. I stored all of my non 1/6 collection (pf's, 6 inch figures, diecast cars). I told myself that if I didn't miss any of it after a month then it was time to sell.

After a month, I didn't miss them so I sold or donated every last item except for a Hot Toys Carl from up figure. I haven't looked back since.

After I finished that process I did the same for some of 1/6 figures/parts. Stored all the non essential figures/parts and sold them after a month.

Now I have a lot less collectibles (my collection is solely focused on 1/6 figures, limited to one bookcase) and I enjoy the collection a lot more.
Sold my collection a couple of years ago, well most of it anyway.
Needed the money and the space...
You can see my collection here:

Today i wished I did something like tbay did; box them up, store them and keep the ones I missed.
Miss the 1:1 busts and some of the PF's...
Recently started collecting again and will try to limit myself to mostly Hot Toys (1/6th scale) and some select 1/4 scale pieces.
Perhaps a 1:1 bust will find it's way back into the collection as well...
If you need to ask another's opinion then obviously no, you shouldn't. Sell it and buy something you love and want and don't need other's to tell you that you want it.
Don't keep them, or sell them.

Give them away.

I know it sounds weird, but I did that with a few hot toys and medi pieces a little while ago. It was a really... Good feeling.
Put them in an area of your home that you use more frequently. Maybe the final decision will be easier when you can appreciate them or still have ambivalent feelings about them. Keep one or two on display in a common area, then rotate them from a storage box. If that doesn't work, turn them into liquid assets like scotch.
I been there and done that, so I'd advice you DONT. I was a college student, who fell in love with 1/6 collecting. Like I said, I was a college student, and not many college students that I know of have very many hundreds to blow on a single toy. I didnt have a monstrous collection either, I had 5 figures that I was madly in love with, and that was enough for me at the time. This would be also the first time when I started dating, so naturally, I need new shoes, new clothes, new cellphone, and a new car. I just had to make sacrifices. At the time, I got a damn good price on each and every one of my figures. So I sold them all. I wrapped each and every one of them carefully, and sent them off. When I was wrapping down to my last and favorite figure, I couldnt help it, but cried like a B****, LITERALLY.

A few months later, I had totally forgotten this hobby. I thought to myself "what I have now is much more than having a much of plastics on my desk". However, a few years later, I came across some really awesome figures at my local comic bookstore. That moment, my heart started beating again, and in excitement. That night I spent all night looking for the figures I previously sold, and to my surprise, the price sky rocketed.

Why torture yourself, of selling them, and then regretting later. Because you know if you sell your collection now, the chances are, it will be harder to attain the pieces that you are selling now. Try storing them and taking them out again when you are ready. My mother also taught me that when you are not ready, dont make a decision, because you will ultimately end up crying for it.
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Don't keep them, or sell them.

Give them away.

I know it sounds weird, but I did that with a few hot toys and medi pieces a little while ago. It was a really... Good feeling.

I am always here anytime you want to get back that good feeling lerath :wave