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I've read a lot about that online…people report mixed results but I just saw that thread about Brinn's customs (now referenced above) and it seemed to work like a charm for him.

The only thing that worries me is how it may affect the plastic over time…but it's tempting to give it a shot.

I hear you on the concern. If it helps, I can submit two more data points for a successful use of the peroxide whitening trick. I have two Marmit Stormtroopers, purchased years apart and with yellowing ranging from moderate to severe.

Both sets of armor were soaked in a glass jar filled with enough 3% H2O2 to cover them along with a tablespoon of OxyClean. The H2O2 is the kind you can find in US pharmacies, usually in the first aid section in a brown plastic bottle. Saran Wrap was placed over the top of the jar, forming an airtight seal. The jar was set in direct winter sunlight for approx. 4 hours per set of armor and I have had 100% good results. Pure, bright white vinyl was the result and the paint is completely unaffected on both sets. The armor responded like new to a hot water bath when tested for fitment over a new base body. No pitting, surface defects or brittle material.

I was thinking of ways to save the armor prior to reading about Brinn's experience and I am glad I went with hydrogen peroxide vice trying to repaint and find decals for the helmets.

Looking at Brinn's photos, I couldn't believe it would yield such a result on armor as yellowed as mine, but I am impressed and pleased to say it appears to have worked wonders. I have read that people using this method on colored plastic have encountered some issues (particularly with Transformers). For me, it was worth the risk to try on my previously yellowed armor.
Great shots jedibear....was that in sunlight or some other lighting? So glad I bought Aayla Secura, I never get tired of looking at her in my collection. :love
I hear you on the concern. If it helps, I can submit two more data points for a successful use of the peroxide whitening trick. I have two Marmit Stormtroopers, purchased years apart and with yellowing ranging from moderate to severe. [...] [snip full response]

Thank you for that, I do think it's worth giving a try at some point. As for my is fully restored, one remains bright white out-of-box, and two still need restoration. What I'm trying to decide is whether I want to invest the time and money tracking down two more kits. The rumours of SSC re-doing their stormtrooper make me want to wait and see, but that could be a very long wait and I'm not interested in their prior armour sculpt.
I did the same with my shocktrooper but kept the electricity on the staff...where did you get that Numa sticker?!?! I NEED it
Hey guys this might be in the wrong thread but I couldent find any threads that was about my problem. My utapau 212th clones armor seems kinda dirty and "brown" is there a way to make the armor clean again? Is there a method that you guys recommend? I have some pictures but I don't think they look as bad as they do in person.
I believe that's the weathering app, which is supposed to make them look older and more bad@ss. I would be stoked to have them a bit weathered and dirty looking, but to each his own. Your best bet is to try rubbing alcohol or very light use of acetone. Acetone can also remove the paint app if you put to much or go over one area too much.

My recommendation: celebrate the dirty...
Yeah that's the paint, I personally wouldn't try to remove the weathering, if you want a shiny 212 best bet is to buy a shiny and give him a fresh paint job for the orange markings.
It seems to me SS is perfecting their paint apps on these clones. Would be nice to see them re-release Sandtroopers with these new paint apps and a more accurate armor representation.
Has sideshow improved the bodies on their troopers or are they still using the floppy ones that were in the original Stormtroopers?
Has sideshow improved the bodies on their troopers or are they still using the floppy ones that were in the original Stormtroopers?

It's much down to luck I think. I first bought the Utapau Airborne, Cody, Neyo, Sandtrooper Corporal (used), Snowtrooper and Ganch and the only one of those that could easily stand on his own two feet without falling was Ganch. I have bought a few new/used Medis and Hot Toys Luke, those could easily stand. I got a second Airborne and a Snowtrooper recently and both those stand pretty good on their own.
They're different scales - I'd like to see someone's attempt though. :lol

Yeah, no way that's going to happen as the marmit legs are way too wide to get into those skinny thighs on the SS armor. Also, I don't think that would be an improvement. You can get great bodies for the marmit for under $20.00 on ebay.