It's possible that Head Play is producing it, the rest are only reselling it. First time I checked it on Ebay only Head Play came out selling the item.
I believe it's a company from China that is doing it not headplay
It's possible that Head Play is producing it, the rest are only reselling it. First time I checked it on Ebay only Head Play came out selling the item.
I believe it's a company from China that is doing it not headplay
This is a Mini review of the Custom Paint Job By Jacob Rahmier84 done on my Hot Toys "The Wolverine" MMS220 Headsculpt. Hands down the precision and detail is the best I have seen PERIOD, the courtesy, speed of delivery, willingness to get it exactly the way you want it is satisfactory, I really see jacob doing better and better as he goes along. Here are a few photos using my Canon HD SLR 700D with a STM 18-55lens. Hot Toys eyes are completely off as Jackman does NOT have brown eyes the previous factory hash makes him look like he has black beads for iris's, anyway's I can recommend enough to get this little beard and ball ball teak done, it will emprove the quality and posing posture of your figure in the long run....ENJOY!
Guys, what's the best TTM body in terms of shape and skin tone for The Wolverine funeral suit?
Dude, that masked head looks sweet on the armored body too!